8 toxic habits from which it is worth getting rid of this year

Every new year we give themselves a promise that next year we will definitely become better: finally get rid of bad habits, change and let us change all your dreams and desires. However, we forget that we often prevent our goals and the most "good" habits often.

Every new year we give themselves a promise that next year we will definitely become better: finally get rid of bad habits, change and let us change all your dreams and desires. However, we forget that we often prevent our goals and the most "good" habits often. What exactly, find out in our review.

Don't think about yourself
In our Christian consciousness to be an egoist means, almost the most terrible sin. But who, besides us, will take care of his own happiness. Get rid of the relationships that make you unhappy. Father from work that you hate. Worry and eradicate your own fears and anxiety, even if your actions will bring suffering to your others. Life is only one and how to dispose of her, solve only you.

Be a perfectionist
The desire for a non-existent ideal brings only harm to man: physical or mental. Most often, this habit says that a person is unconsciously trying to protect himself from criticism and negative judgments of others. A separate case when a person is generally afraid to start something new to "not spoil" his dream. This year, try to direct your forces on constructive development, and not for senseless attempts to achieve perfection.

Constantly criticize yourself
Who said that a constant criticism and dislike to help your development? If you, of course, do not dream of neurosis and eternal loneliness. Stop reflecting on yourself for each concern with a detective meticulousness, finding all new and new drawbacks. Learn to trust yourself and be a little kind to yourself. And then certainly, such an attitude will be automatically transferred to the environment around you. The world will cease to seem so angry and unfair.

Walk on training that hate
Sport should always be joy. Otherwise, there will be no sense from him. Is that nervous breakdowns and a complete refusal further from an active lifestyle. Never go for compromises. Moreover, today there is so many alternatives. Do not like running or strength loads, try doing swimming or yoga. And maybe you will like something more exotic: tobate, zombie or sikekeling.

Try to pump some part of the body
In the end, the sport should give joy, strength, health; Assist to reveal the potential of a person. Nowadays, the substitution has happened. Now it's not a sport serves a person, but a sport man. Many hours of occupations are reduced to a banal wish to pump up buttocks or press, biceps or triceps. Stop so consumer treat your body. After all, it deserves more love, respect and gratitude for everything that it does.

Constantly weighing
Of course, we do not have anything against weight loss. Just stop being obsessed with this ideas. Remember: the numbers do not define us. While you once again fall into the despondency from a kilogram recruited, life passes by you. And we do not have much time to spend it on dumbfounders.

There is something that you don't love
Healthy food is, of course, cool, if it does not cause a vomit reflex. Green smoothies, seeds Chia, Movie. If you are not delighted with these new products, why it is once again raped. They are unlikely to make you healthier. But small joys in life will definitely lose. Remember: Food should bring pleasure. From a variety of options and alternatives, choose those useful products, but which you really taste.

Be angry for anyone
We usually be angry when something goes wrong as we thought. Of course, it is important in life to have a good plan and strive to control the situation. But much more important is - to be able to improvise and be flexible. With this ability, you will forever forget about stress and unjustified expectations. Live will be much more fun and more curious.

Categories: Lifestyle
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