10 signs that you have a gifted child

Each parent believes that his kid is special. And this is normal. But still, are there such signs that would indicate that a gifted child is growing?

Each parent believes that his kid is special. And this is normal. But still, are there such signs that would indicate that a gifted child is growing?

Stores information
For most children, the proverb is fair: "That in one ear flew, to another flew out." Gifted children are able to memorize a large amount of information without making tremendous effort. So, the baby can retell the rhymes heard in detail once or draw a landscape in detail, seen on a walk.

In gifted children - an extensive circle of interest. Such babies are hypersubs. They may be fascinated by history, astronomy, dinosaurs, the heroes of the Marvel Universe and, God knows what else.

High learning
Children who are more developed mentally begin to read and write very early. The learning process does not cause their negative emotions. They are easy and quickly grabbing.

Artistic gifts
Gifted children show unusual abilities to music or artistic art. For example, they can draw objects in perspective or have absolute musical hearing.

Able to concentrate attention
Little children do not have the ability to concentrate. They are too scattered. Gifted kids, on the contrary, are able to focus their attention quite for long periods.

Good memory
Most gifted children have virtuoso memory. They can easily remember things that occurred with them in fairly early childhood.

Extensive vocabulary
Little children enjoy rather short phrases. For example, "There is a dog" In their speech, they use basically verbs and nouns. Gifted kids more often use adjectives, communion and even other, more complex revs. "A brown dog walks on the shore. She has beautiful, soft wool"

Draws attention to the details
Gifted children are absorbed in detail, unlike most of their peers. They crave to know how things are arranged, what principle they work.

Criticizes its actions
Gifted kids quite soberly for their age ascertain the results of their work. For example, such a baby, winning some kind of competition, can say: "It is a pity that I could not improve my own record"

Understands complex concepts
Intellectually developed children have ability to abstract thinking. They can perceive complex concepts and think about solving complex problems. For example, considering the book about animals, it will not just consider pictures, but notice that the animals and their young are fine copies of each other, only children are smaller.

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