Star women who have the most tattoos
This earlier tattoos were considered a shameful stigm. Now drawings on the body are a great way of self-expression. Of course, this kind of art is not alien to many celebrities. On the body of the world's famous beauty, tattoos look especially charming. Want to know what famous women are the most tattoos?

This earlier tattoos were considered a shameful stigm. Now drawings on the body are a great way of self-expression. Of course, this kind of art is not alien to many celebrities. On the body of the world's famous beauty, tattoos look especially charming. Want to know what famous women are the most tattoos?
Angelina Jolie
The actress did his first tattoo, while still a teenager. Then it was a hieroglyph denoting "death". So, Angelina tried to prove to himself and the world that was not afraid of death. Then Jolie entered the taste, and a large number of intricate drawings appeared on her body: amulets, crosses, a huge tiger on the back, the Devil number "13". By the way, the coordinates of the places were noted on the shoulder, where all her children were born.
Rihanna took his first tattoo at 18, being on tour in China. From the subway singer returned home depicting a small fish behind the right ear. Now on the body of Barbados beauty - at least 20 intricate drawings. Every time the singer is published in the next frank outfit, the fans with joy exploring her body on the subject of the new tattoo.
The first tattoo of Nargiz did immediately after emigration to America. It became a peculiar symbol of freedom for her, which she was so lacking in his native Uzbekistan. For a long time, the singer worked in the US artist in Tattoo Salon. Most drawings on her body appeared during this period: mystical pentagram, bat, Phoenix bird ... When there were no customers, the masters simply trained each other. And after participating in the fateful for the singer show "Voice", Nargiz made an inscription on the forearm - Golos.
Megan Fox
The perfect beauty body Megan Fox adorns not one tet tattoos. According to the actress, each drawing carries a deep sacral meaning. That is why Megan recently decided to get rid of the Marilyn Monroe, which appeared on the body of the actress in the distant youth. "Marilyn was an unbalanced and negative person suffering from bipolarity. I would not like to attract such energy in my life"I explained the actress.
Diana Arbenina
Diana Arbenina always chooses symbolic inscriptions for his tattoo. So, on the right hand, the singer is written in Hebrew "Between us only we" According to Diana, this message is addressed to God. Artistruth is knocked out on the left shoulder, - what is translated as "Art is true" Well, finally, a bright and modest inscription on the left forearm - "I WRITE MY OWN STORY", that is "I am writing my story myself"
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is one of the most rapid stars of modernity. Numerous tattoos of Gaga have long become part of its stage image. The singer did his first tattoo at the age of 17, on a fake certificate. Under the US law, before reaching the age of majority, it is forbidden to independently do a tattoo. In 2015, a memorable inscription appeared on the body of the divaMom Monsters" It is so called the army of her loyal fans.
Miley Cyrus
On the body of the scandalous singer more than 20 tattoos. One of the strangest bangs on her right shoulder. The usual bank of VEGEMITE paste, which is a national dish in Australia. Fans suggest that this is a small gift to her beloved - the Australian actor Liama Hemsworth.
Pink is called the record holder in the number of tattoos among celebrities. In total on her body, fans counted about 30 memorable entries and drawings. After the death of his beloved dog, the singer piled the inscription on his hand: "Time to cry. Time to laugh. Time to sign. Rest with peace, my dear, I love you ". Many on the body of the stars of tattoos dedicated to parents, brother, the best friend. And Pink is a big fan of Japanese art, so there can be a lot of hieroglyphs on her body: symbols of good luck, strength, happiness and infinity.

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