10 myths about hormones that do not cost to believe

Hormones are biologically active substances that are responsible for a huge number of processes in our body. Therefore, hormonal imbalance can lead to different kinds of health problems. However, you should not believe in various kinds of myths and if you have been appointed receiving hormones, it is not necessary to scare.

Hormones - These are biologically active substances that are responsible for a huge number of processes in our body. Therefore, hormonal imbalance can lead to different kinds of health problems. However, you should not believe in various kinds of myths and if you have been appointed receiving hormones, it is not necessary to scare.

Myth # 1.Hormone reception leads to obesity
This is one of the most popular myths: allegedly receiving hormones causes the body to accumulate excess weight. But it is not. The truth is that only imbalance in the hormonal fund leads to completeness, but the correct reception of hormonal drugs is just designed to reset weight faster.

Myth # 2.If you are prescribed hormones, then you have a severe disease
Our medicine explains little. But in most cases, the reception of hormones does not mean the degree of gravity of the disease, so it is not necessary to worry about prematurely. Often hormonal drugs are prescribed and healthy people, for example, in order to protect against pregnancy. Therefore, every situation is better carefully discussed with the doctor.

Myth # 3.Intensive sports exercise increase testosterone levels in the female body to male
Yes, training and, however, increase the level of testosterone in the blood, but even after the most intense workouts, the testosterone level in the blood in women is 15 times less than in men.

Myth # 4.Adrenalin addiction
What dependences are not at the modern person, but there is no diagnosis of "adrenaline addiction". But this does not mean that it does not exist. In our time, the constant desire to extreme sensations is quite common among young people. The fact is that, in contrast to stressful situations, in the case of a positive extreme (a parachute jump, for example), the body produces so-called happiness hormones - endorphins. It is their man who is trying to call when he has adrenaline addiction. These attempts are dangerous to health, as a person begins to worry about their own security.

Myth # 5.Violation of the hormone fund cause cancer
It has been proven that hormones are not the rook root cause. Moreover, scientists have found that hormonal birth control pills may even protect against the two types of cancer: ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer of the uterus.

Myth # 6.Cortisol does not affect conception
In many cases, the ability to conceive a child affects the presence of stress. The higher the anxiety, the lower the chances of becoming pregnant. Scientists have proven that stress, and with it hormone cortisol, includes the body into the mode of flight or the battle with the threat, and therefore disconnects the childback function.

Myth # 7.Melatonin can replace sleeping pills
It is no secret that the hormone melatonin is produced in a dream. Any light source slows down at night or stops it at all, therefore a person sleeps well. Therefore, we have repeatedly heard how hormonal preparations with melatonin are trying to solve problems with insomnia. But it must be remembered that melatonin is a hormone, and not sleeping bag. Therefore, when problems with sleep, you need to contact a dynamologist, and not independently appoint treatment yourself. This can lead to serious health problems.

Myth # 8.Thyroid gland and overweight
Thyroid hormones triiodothironine and thyroxine directly affect the metabolism. But the decrease in the function of the thyroid gland is not necessarily accompanied by overweight. For a long period, a person may not know at all about the problem due to the lack of external signs, so it misses the treatment time. In hypoteriosis, doctors prescribe hormones to compensate for their flaw in the body. Together with the treatment of hormones, on the contrary, the hormonal fund will be given in order and promote weight loss.

Myth # 9.Estrogen release leads to premature aging
This is a popular myth who justify the physical laziness. In fact, any load increases the level of estrogen in the blood, but this contributes to the organism rejuvenation - improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. But it should also be remembered that the surplus of estrogen leads to headaches, mood and swelling drops.

Myth # 10.Hormonal drugs can be replaced by other drugs.
This statement does not correspond to reality. It is impossible to replace hormonal drugs in the problems of the thyroid or removal - they simply have no alternative. The same applies to insulin. Therefore, when assigning hormones, you should not fall into a panic: talk to your doctor and find out the goals and desired results, because in fact hormones we are not enemies, but assistants.

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