How to become more beautiful with chocolate: Best treatments and rituals

Chocolate is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a stunning tool for skin care, body and hair.

Chocolate is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a stunning tool for skin care, body and hair. We share with you the most simple and efficient recipes for the preparation of chocolate masks at home.

1. For face

Chocolate nourishes the skin perfectly. With it, you can smooth out minor wrinkles. And what is the most pleasant - chocolate masks for the face cook at home is incredibly easy and exciting.

For owner of dry and normal skin, the next mask has proven the most effective. Melt a few pieces of black chocolate. In a slightly cooled mass, add a teaspoon of liquid honey, on one tablespoon of white clay and sour cream. Keep a mask on the face no more than 20 minutes. After rummate and moisten the skin with your favorite cream.

If you have oily skin, take advantage of the next recipe. In advance, melted chocolate (several pieces) add one teaspoon of lemon juice and white clay. Apply a lot on your face and leave for 15 minutes, after which you wash with warm water.

2. For body

Cocoa Beans is the main component of chocolate - have a serious lymphodine effect on the skin. With their help, you can get rid of such problems as cellulite and acne. Substances that are part of cocoa beans will increase the skin tone, make it softer and smooth.

The most popular way to use cocoa body is a chocolate wrapping. For this procedure, you will need two high-quality black chocolate tiles, two tablespoons of pink clay and a handful of dry ginger powder. Melt the chocolate on the water bath, mix with the other ingredients. You have to get a dense, homogeneous pasta. Apply it with a thin layer on the body. Problem places can be wrapped with a food film to enhance the lymphodic effect. After 20 minutes, thoroughly wash the chocolate mass and moisten the skin with a nutrient cream.

3. For hair

Regular use of chocolate masks will make your hair thick and silky. The cocoa beans contains substances that improve blood circulation. Thanks to this property, your hair will grow faster and become stronger. And the cocoa normalizes the selection of subcutaneous fat, because of which your hair will stay fresh and voluminous longer.

For the mask you will need 20-25 grams of black chocolate, one ripe banana, two tablespoons of liquid honey and a couple of milk spoons. Melt the chocolate, mix all the ingredients in the blender and apply a homogeneous mass on the hair, rubbing it well in the roots. Then we bite your hair with a food film and a towel and leave for 30 minutes. After that, thoroughly rinse with warm water.

4. For foot

Many think that a chocolate mask for legs is already too. However, when you try this mask at home, you will stop thinking so. Your legs will be perfectly smooth and velvety! To begin with, warm two liters of milk. Add a black chocolate tile in advance to it in a water bath, stir well. The resulting mixture is broken to the pelvis and lower the legs into it at least 30 minutes. After that, wash the mask with warm water and blot with a towel.

5. For hands

The skin of the hands needs special care, and what about not chocolate, will make it gentle and velvety? Regularly making a chocolate mask, your hands and manicures will look flawless. So, we share a simple and effective recipe for hand masks. Melt a few pieces of chocolate on a water bath, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the resulting mass, on one tablespoon of oily sour cream and olive oil, a couple of droplets of essential oil. The mask must be left in hands at least by half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

6. Slimming

Nutritionists advise to consume chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. He perfectly quenched hunger, causing a feeling of satiety. But it is impossible to say that you can taste your favorite product in unlimited quantities. It also needs to be observed. Eat daily no more than 30 grams of dark chocolate.

Categories: Fashion
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