Wedding abroad: Top 11 beautiful, exotic and a chic venue for a wedding

It is fashionable to hold wedding ceremonies abroad, giving unforgettable emotions and state-Cham himself. Therefore, we have collected 11 coolest places to get married abroad, for every taste and budget. Take a note.

It is fashionable to hold wedding ceremonies abroad, giving guests an unforgettable emotions and myself. Therefore, we have collected 11 coolest places to get married abroad, for every taste and budget. Take a note.

Wedding in Las Vegas
To hold the wedding in Love Vegas - this is extreme, a little joke and a tribute to the tradition of American comedy. This wedding cost only $ 150, however, will have to renew the marriage later at home. But for some people it is not only a chance to note painted memorable, but also an opportunity to change your mind, if you suddenly realize that marriage - this is a mistake, as it often happens in the same American movies.

Wedding in Venice
Wedding in Italy - a dream that needs to be translated into reality. And if you choose to Venice, remember this day for life, decorating the family album photographs chic. This first-born imbued with love and romance.

Wedding in Thailand
This piece of paradise - one of the most popular destinations on the "wedding" card. Thailand though the place and exotic, but at the same time - affordable for those who want to bring here Rhode stvennikov and friends to celebrate. In addition, the weather and the ocean will delight those who want to organi-call of the wedding on the beach.

Wedding in Prague
Old Europe joyfully greeted the newlyweds. We recommended to consider the option of holding the wedding in Prague. In addition to beautiful architecture, you will be pleased with the price to hold the wedding, which can be arranged at will in almost any of the locks. Prague is best seen when planning a wedding from April to November.

Wedding in Finland
If you want to surprise your guests, organize a wedding in Finland. Exit the ceremony in the woods Pomo-gut to create the impression of a real fairytale. But we must remember that in this country is also a must and the wedding.

Wedding in Mauritius
A paradise for lovers considered exotic Mauritius. Yes, it is expensive, because sva-dby here often arrange Hollywood stars and members of royal families, but this event will be truly memorable.

Wedding in Bali
Bali - a favorite place for young people, because Bali is famous not only elegant exotic nature, but fun nightlife. Additionally, Bali is on the list of resorts available for weddings.

Wedding in France
More romantic city for a wedding is not found. French finesse, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, the aroma of coffee and croissants - all this will contribute to ensuring that all of you-remember your wedding day.

Wedding in China
Trip to China, even just for a tour will turn your ordinary world, and if there is a wedding, a holiday get unique. Yes, your marriage formally concluded does not work, but it is possible to hold a ceremony with the national colors of old Chinese traditions. According to long-standing traditions China, the bride for the wedding I have three wedding dresses, Entourage will be co-responded stories with dragons, guests oblachatsya in kimono dancing to folk songs. Do not worry, the wedding ceremony will get unforgettable.

Weddings in Santorini Greece
Santorini - a real paradise for those who are planning a wedding. Wedding on a background of white houses and the volcano overlooking the sea - a unique images, which gather hundreds of likes on social networks, and you will give unforgettable emotions and a sense of true happiness.

A wedding in the Maldives
Maldives - a traditional choice for wedding abroad Laksheri segment. If you are excited about the sultry advertising "Bounty" with exotic nature and white sand beaches, good shake-vat to the Maldives!

Categories: Lifestyle
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