Not Duucan one: the most fashionable diet of 2017

It is 8 that the following systems are battered records in the current year. Take yourself a note!

On the eve of the beach season, when everyone is trying to bring a figure in order, a variety of diets are very relevant. Panaceans for weight loss, which comes to everyone, unfortunately, does not exist, because the characteristics of the body do not allow people with the same results to get rid of excess weight. But we collected 8 trend diets, with the help of which you can easily lose weight in 2017. It is 8 that the following systems are battered records in the current year. Take yourself a note!

1. Diet Kim Kardashian
It's no secret that after the birth of the second child, the American realistic show of Kim Kardashyan very much lost weight, getting rid of more than 30 kg. Now she looks like never, slim, and all thanks to a special power regimen. A popular expert in losing weight Colette Hemovits has developed a diet for Kim Kardashian, which is already available to everyone. Its essence is that you need to share food for 4 reception, limited to 1800 calories per day. In the morning, the star prefers an egg or omelet with vegetables, on the second breakfast Kim Kardashian eats fruit yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese with nuts, she has a dietary turkey, low-fat fish with vegetables, for dinner - vegetable noodles or vegetable stew, possibly with chicken. Thanks to such a diet, you can lose up to 5 kg per month, especially without infringening in nutrition.

2. Detox water instead of ordinary drinking water
In hot, the idea of ​​detox-water is especially relevant and well. The essence is to add ingredients (fruits, vegetables and greens), in which there are many vitamins and useful elements. Such water leads to the norm of the intestinal work, removes slags, and in the end leads to a decrease in weight. Detox-water never get bored, as the ingredients can be constantly changing. For example, you can put half of the cucumber and juice of lemon, a few straws, as well as add piquancy with ginger, basil or mint. To strengthen the effect, it is recommended to abandon coffee, tea and soda, and all drinking water techniques to notice detox water for weight loss.

3. "Intestinal" diet
In the top of the fashion diet of the current year, the so-called "intestinal diet", which has developed a nutritionist Henrietta Norton. It has been proven that the work of the intestines and weight is closely connected. The essence of the "intestinal" diet is to establish the process of digestion, as well as make the interaction of useful bacteria in the intestine as close as possible to the splitting of fat and the translation of carbohydrates into the necessary energy.


4. Honey diet
Our ancestors have been published with a honey diet, but not so long ago, scientists finally confirmed scientific research. It is proved that by using a teaspoon of honey overnight, fats will be split at times faster, thereby reducing weight without affecting the human well-being.

5. Diet without restrictions
No one better hear his body than the man himself, even nutritionists speak about it. Self-education in our time reached a new level, and now with the help of different applications you can calculate the level and number of calories that you need to consume every day, depending on age and your weight. Now many adhere to the balance of balance: that is, you can eat favorite products, but not go beyond the daily rate of calories.

6. "Cardiac" diet
In 2017, in fashion, the "cardiac" diet, which leads to the norm of the heart, improves the state of the vessels, and also reduces weight. According to such a system, you need to eat 5 times a day, but small portions. In the morning you need to eat dairy products and cereals, in lunch vegetables, rice and pasta, and in the evening - exclusively proteins. Another bonus for those who are because of weight loss is not ready to give up alcohol, - on the "cardiac" diet you need to drink a glass of dry red wine per day.

7. Diet Fodmip
In the name of the diet Abbreviation: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polishes. That is, it is these substances that should be avoided to decrease efficiently in volumes. According to nutritionists, these substances lead to a violation of the gastrointestinal work, becoming the cause of unpleasant spasms, bloating and stagnation of fatty deposits. It is recommended to exclude beans from your menu, meat semi-finished products, baking, dairy products, garlic, onions, sausages, sugar substitutes. As a result, the tummy will decrease at times over a record short time.

8. Vegetarianism as a lifestyle
In 2017, the boom of informed consumption and fashion on Eco is noted. Now many celebrities and not only go to plant food, worrying about the ecology (the content of animals has a climate, and in general, many of the animal for meat and skin causes disgust). Therefore, vegetarianism as a lifestyle is now in our top. Many refuse the protein diet Duucan in favor of plant food at the above reasons, noting that well-being and health are generally improved, and slimming in this matter is a pleasant bonus.

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