Babushkina Secrets: 9 folk methods of throat treatment

Spring is in full swing, which means that very many in this period suffer from avitaminosis, weakening immunity and, as a result, from ORVI and colds. Therefore, we collected the simplest and affordable folk methods in the fight against the throat, which our grandmothers used, so they are checked by experiences and really work. We also give a few alternative ways to get rid of throat pain, which will certainly help. Record "Babushkina" secrets!

Spring is in full swing, which means that very many in this period suffer from avitaminosis, weakening immunity and, as a result, from ORVI and colds. Therefore, we collected the simplest and affordable folk methods in the fight against the throat, which our grandmothers used, so they are checked by experiences and really work. We also give a few alternative ways to get rid of throat pain, which will certainly help. Record "Babushkina" secrets!

1. Red pepper against throat pain
We do not recommend to engage in self-treatment, but if you are a commitment to traditional medicine, you can try a rather unusual method for treating pain in the throat with red pepper. It is no secret that the pepper chili puts in order immunity, and also normalizes the metabolism. The properties of red peppers are perfectly coping with microbes and bacteria. It also dilutes and displays sputum. Therefore, this recipe for delusion from the annoying throat is in great demand.

2. Homemade Mulled wine
This recipe on our list is the most delicious. It has been proven that Mulled wine, if you drink it in a reasonable amount, is a very useful drink that eliminates colds, but only at an early stage. So that Mulled wine helpers with sore throat, it is worth take for him only the most natural ingredients and wine of good quality.

3. Apple vinegar
With pain in the throat, our ancestors often used an apple vinegar, knowing about its healing properties. It is known that apple vinegar is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils, phenols, etc. All this in the complex can become a panacea against throat pain. Recent studies say that there are substances that neutralizing viruses and bacteria in vinegar from apples, which do not even take antibiotics. Therefore, the apple vinegar perfectly treats the inflammation of the throat and angina. It takes it to rinse the throat.

4. Inhalation on herbs with potatoes
This recipe for treatment from ORVI and throat pain - nostalgia for childhood. Many arranged inhalations with herbs over smoking potatoes. Only 10-20 minutes under a blanket or a towel over just welded potatoes - and cold retreats. The value of the method is that steam warmly warms the throat, and the natural additives in the form of herbs destroy the microbes. And later from such potatoes you can make a delicious puree.

5. Horseradish
In antiquity in the fight against the throat pain, horseradish was actively used. His properties are affected by utility. With cold and infections, hell always saves, as it contains a special substance - the glycoside of Sinigrin, which, in fact, is responsible for the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

6. Honey
Old and tested by the time assistant in the fight against ORVI - honey. It is best to take honey in the honeycomb, since it has more vitamins, perg and other biologically active substances. And, by the way, the wax of the honeycomb helps to clean the enamel on the teeth. In case of sore throat, as well as inflammatory processes in the mouth, physicians recommend using honey from sage, heather, burdock, linden and acacia.

7. Aloe
Aloe is one of the most useful plants known to man. Aloe (or rather his juice) is rich in vitamins, trace elements, fermatats, glycosides, and so on. Therefore, its value is so high not only in sore throat, but also with any inflammatory processes. To get healing juice, you need to take a plant, older than 3 years, then cut off the lower sheets, rinse and squeeze juice. Aloe juice can be applied in the form of a compress or add it to the water when ringed the throat.

8. Garlic
Garlic is the perfect product in the arsenal of each mistress: it will not just add a fragrance with a dish, but also will help in the fight against ORVI. In the same way, like onions, garlic is used to prevent the prevention and treatment of throat diseases, since it is considered a good immunomodulatory agent.

9. Carnation
The carnation is also used as seasonings that gives the dish spicy notch, but also about its healing properties are already running legends. Carnation is used against nausea, cough, headaches, asthma, as well as as a Savior from sore throat. Carnation can be added to tea or rinse the throat, making a pre-tincture.

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