The secret of the wonderful transformation of Anna Mikhalkova
Nikita Mikhalkov's eldest daughter does not cease to surprise fans. At 4 years old, Anna looks better than in 30.

Nikita Mikhalkov's eldest daughter does not cease to surprise fans. In its 46 years, Anna looks better than in 30, and its latest works in the series "ordinary woman" and "storm" were awarded the most flattering praise by film critics. What caused the wonderful transformation of the actress, read in our review.
Anna since childhood got used to increased attention from the press, after all, her father is a famous director Nikita Mikhalkov. However, the girl never wanted to stay just "daughter Mikhalkov." She always wanted to escape from the shadow of his famous parent.

Almost all Anna's childhood passed behind the scenes or on the set. For the first time in front of the cameras, the girl appeared in 6 years. Father decided to conduct an experiment and relieve a documentary about the stages of the daughter's growing stages - from 6 to 18 years. The picture was called "Anna" and even took several filmmakers. However, Mikhalkov itself prefers not to remember this work, calling it "cinematographic exhibitionism."

After graduating from school, Anna did not dare to enter the theater university. She decided to take a pause and went to Switzerland to study the history of art. Returning to Moscow, Mikhalkov submitted documents to VGIK. In parallel, the future artist studied the jurisprudence in MGIMO.

The real debut of Mikhalkova in the movie took place in 1995. Young actress performed a major role in the Drama of the Roman Balayan "First Love". In a few years, Anna starred at the Father in the film "Siberian Barber".

The image of the village girl Dunyshi largely determined the further creative fate of the actress. For Mikhalkova, the role of an innocent Russian woman was secured, all the time falling into ridiculous situations.

Contrary to the problem, glory to Mikhalkova did not come thanks to the Father. A truly creative potential of the actress revealed during cooperation with the director and the Writer of Avdota Smirnova. The role in the Drama "Communication" brought Anna the first award - "Golden Eagle". After 6 years, Mikhalkov played one of the main roles in the tragicomedy Smirnova "Cococ". At "Kinotavra", the picture was produced by a real Furior, and Mikhalkova was awarded the awards "for the best female role."

Today, in the filmography, Anna Mikhalkova has more than 70 works. Interestingly, for all his creative career, the actress never disappeared from the screen. Although she had good reasons for it. Mikhalkov - a large mother and a happy wife of a businessman Albert Bakova. Family life actresses was not always cloudless. In 2006, after 8 years, Mikhalkov marriage filed for divorce. Fortunately, a year after parting, the couple reunited again, and in 2013 they had a daughter Lidiya.

At the peak of popularity, the actress rarely decide to get pregnant. However, Mikhalkov risked. Surprisingly, after the third genera, the actress not only did not lose the form, but literally blossomed.

According to Anna, she always took her body, did not hesitate for excess weight. However, with age, it began with pressure problems. The actress began to carefully follow their meals, took up the sport. As a result, Mikhalkov dropped almost 20 kg.

Noticeably, Mikhalkov, noticeably admits that now he feels much more comfortable in his own body. However, it is not going to make herself with diets and training. According to the actress, the best of all with stress helps to fight favorite job and communication with loved ones.

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