Foods "gold" help you reduce stress!

To help reduce stress, in addition to resting and practicing sports, a reasonable diet plays an important role.

Modern life with a lot of pressure can make you stress stress, affects the quality of life and many dangerous diseases such as blood pressure, cardiovascular. To help reduce stress, in addition to resting and practicing sports, a reasonable diet plays an important role.

When you are stressed, the concentration of cortisol hormones will increase, causing cravings, especially starch and sugar-containing foods. However, these are foods that can harm the body if you are overwhelmed. In addition, when eating these foods, you can get weight gain, making stress conditions get worse. Therefore, you need to choose suitable foods to reduce your overall stress to protect your overall health. Foods that reduce stress are such as coolers because they can soothe your nervous system. From there, you can easily control anger, worry and depression due to stress.

Types of nuts and fruit drying

When you are stressed, your body will desire vitamin B to be able to support nerve conductors to operate better, against stressful reactions. So choose to eat foods with lots of vitamins B such as almonds, oats, sunflowers and dried fruits to help the brain operate stable again.

Fruits contain many vitamin C

Vitamin C is also a very need for the body when you feel tired of this vitamin that can quickly remove cortisol stressful hormones. Therefore, before or after the activities that are easy to cause stress such as examination, meetings, you should eat fruits of vitamin C or drink water from citrus fruits to quickly regain equilibrium .

Black chocolate

Dubbed as a happy dish, chocolate is a favorite dish of many people. A black chocolate bar is the right choice that you should use every time stress. Black chocolate has antioxidants that are polyphenols, flavonoids and high tryptophan content to improve blood flow to the brain.

Black chocolate also contains high magnesium content, the substance helps reduce depression symptoms, reduce smooth muscle stimulation and stabilize blood pressure when you are stressed. However, when using black chocolate, you should note that only about 70% of components are cocoa and do not eat too much because chocolate is a lot of sugar, easy to gain weight. Moreover, black chocolate also contains caffeine so if you consume too much, you can get an increase in heart rate and insomnia.

Chrysanthemum tea and herbs

When you are stressed, you can sip a glass of herbal tea such as chrysanthemum, mint, green tea or ginger tea to relax and reset the equilibrium status for your mood. The herbal tea works to soothe the nervous system, enhance the brain, to help you feel comfortable and pleasant.

Oat porridge

If you feel hungry when stressed, eat oat porridge. This food contains high complex carbohydrate content, so it will stimulate brain production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter and has an antioxidant effect. Besides, serotonin also helps prevent depression so oat porridge is a dish that reduces effective stress.

Fruit yogurt

According to research, the balance between the intestinal bacteria and the brain's health has a close relationship. Therefore, if you have a stress due to an intestinal problem, the use of a little fruit yogurt may help you stabilize your mood.

A glass of warm milk

In case you are stressed and hard to sleep, a glass of warm milk will help you relax and easier to go to sleep. Milk rich in poker, vitamin D and group B vitamins should help muscles relax, stabilize their mood and help their minds better stress.

Besides food therapy, to reduce stress, you can also take a deep breath when you feel tired of the job. Also, please practice exercise and sports to improve your physical and mental health!

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