Useful suggestions to have good sleep!

Are you hard to sleep or sleep without deep? Are you tired when she wakes up?

Are you hard to sleep or sleep without deep? Are you tired when she wakes up? Fix difficulties sleeping or sleeping not delicious with useful guidelines below!

  1. Set of relaxation exercises before sleeping

You will easily fall asleep and have a good sleep when your body is completely relaxing. Therefore, before going to bed, practice a few yoga or meditation movements to relax your body!

For yoga exercises, you can set ancient by breathing deeply and turn around and exhale and spin the other side. You can do the same with your head and bow your head. In addition, you can lie on your back, inhaling deeply and shrinking one leg on your chest, hugging tightly and releasing it when she exhaled. Tap for each leg about 10 times. Finally, you can lie on your back, the two legs are slightly wide and relaxed completely. In the process of inhalation deep and exhaling slowly, think yourself that you are relaxing. You will fall into sleep when it's not clear!

If you don't want to practice yoga, you can simply relax completely and take a deep breath. Turn on a few gentle and timer for music to turn off (for example within 30 minutes). You will also easily fall asleep.

  1. Choose a posture to sleep

The posture of sleep is true that the posture is on a backward, the two legs are slightly wide, two hands to let go according to the body. When you sleep in this posture, you will keep parts such as head, neck and backbone resting in a neutral posture and all body parts are completely relaxed. Therefore, blood circulation will be more favorable. The weight of your body will not affect the body parts. Therefore, you will have a good sleep.

  1. Keep the bedroom clean and ventilated

The clean and well-ventilated bedroom will help you feel comfortable when sleeping. Moreover, when bedrooms and beds are clean, you will not suffer from allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, v.V. Causing hard to sleep or suddenly wake up. The ventilated bedroom also ensures enough oxygen needed for you, making you sleep well.

  1. Do not eat too full before sleeping

Before going to bed should not eat too much because then your digestion system will have to operate more to digest food. This affects your sleep quality. Also, when you sleep with a belly full of food, you are at risk of diabetes and stomach diseases.

  1. Drink less water before sleeping

You should not drink plenty of water before going to bed because your kidneys will have to work more. In addition, you may have to wake up at night to go to the toilet. Therefore, your sleep quality will be reduced.

  1. Do not use electronic devices before sleeping

You should stay away from electronic devices like phones, iPad before going to bed because these devices emit green light, causing your brain to be irritated and alert.

  1. Do not use stimulants after 2pm

If you have a habit of drinking tea or coffee, make sure you don't load these stimulants after 2pm. Caffeine in tea or coffee will stimulate your brain, making it difficult to fall asleep.

  1. Use healthy foods, rich in magnesium

If you are hard to sleep, you may have a lack of magnesium - a miner of minerals that are essential for the body, to regulate heart rate, help sedation and sleepiness. Therefore, adding many magnesium-containing foods such as nuts (almonds, walnuts, v.v.), spinach, bananas, butter, some types of fat fish, legumes, v.V.

  1. Exercise regularly

No matter where you are busy, you should spend about 30 minutes a day to exercise. As long as you walk, yoga, or exercise, you will have a good sleep because when exercising, the hormones help relax will be released by the body. In addition, exercise also helps you have a healthy, supple body. At that time, you won't have to suffer from hard sleep due to some diseases such as depression, stomach reflux, asthma, arthritis, v.V.

  1. Do not abuse sleeping pills

If you have difficulty sleeping and insomnia for a long time and have to use sleeping pills, see a doctor and find a treatment. Besides, you should apply all the above measures. You should not abuse sleeping pills because it can make you face many serious health conseies.

Categories: Life style
Tags: health
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