7 ways to use apple cider vinegar to improve health and beauty

Do you know you can use apple vinegar as a remedy to improve the digestive system, treat acne and improve your hair health?

Recently, cider vinegar (also known as ACV) is becoming extremely popular in bloggers and people with influence. Although apple vinegar fever has a cooling part in the past few months, this product is still extremely famous. What made apple vinegar becomes such a phenomenon? The cause is due to apple vinegar that can help improve the digestive system, massive acne and help your hair become smooth shadow. It sounds unbelievable? So then I will show you 7 ways to use apple vinegar to improve your health and beauty.

Hair cleaning

Apple vinegar is capable of cleaning your hair and helps your hair restore the original gloss. The use of long-term hair care products will lead to accumulation of chemicals in hair and scalp, making you feel your hair always sticks even when washing it cleanly. But the apple vinegar will help eliminate these accumulators, remove the oil and help your hair become soft again right away. To apply this formula, you only need to give a few tablespoons of apple teass on your hair, massage about 5-10 minutes to vinegar with absorbent and scalp and rinse with water before shampooing is. You can also mix apple cider vinegar and honey, Himalayan salt and coconut oil to form an exfoliating mixture for the scalp.


Actually apple vinegar works very well for your skin. Anti-inflammatory ingredients in apple vinegar have recovered and soothe very effective skin. Apple vinegar also helps balance the pH of the skin and treat the skin of sunburn very well. So you will feel your skin becomes a lot better after bathing with apple vinegar. You only need to use about 230 - 290 ml of apple cider vinegar to mix with water in the bath and take a dip in 15 minutes. Certainly your skin will become soft right now for watching! Apple vinegar is also a very effective natural scrubber.

To get rid of dandruff

Apple vinegar also contains ingredients that help treat fungus and destroy different types of bacteria so you can use them as extremely effective treatments. To do it, you need to mix apple vinegar and water at a ratio of 1: 1 to form a saturated compound. After that, clean the hair with apple vinegar compound, gently massage skin and rinse with water and use the shampoo and conditioner as usual to achieve the best results. Apple vinegar also helps balance the pH of the skin so you will no longer risk being scalp in the future.

Use skin balance water

Apple vinegar is capable of dissolving mushrooms, viruses and bacteria often boiling on your facial skin. Therefore, this will be a perfect acne medicine that helps soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and redness. To make water balance, you just need to mix apple vinegar with water and use a bleaching cotton to apply this mixture to the face. You will not see instant changes, but if hard to use daily, make sure this formula will recover your skin. In addition, the use of this balanced water before sleeping and leaving overnight is also very good for your facial skin.

Eliminate foot odor

Foot bathing in cider vinegar will help you eliminate bacteria and fungi to cause a bad odor. To make a formula, make 940ml of water with 235ml apple cider vinegar and soak in this mixture for about 15-20 minutes. The antibacterial and antifungal components of cider vinegar will remove unpleasant scent and improve your foot status right away. You can also make a wet towel to deodorize your leg by soaking a wet paper towel in the cider vinegar overnight or adding 100ml of apple cider vinegar into the wet paper towel box to easily carry with you. In addition, you can use these towels to replace the types of chemical products deodorizing the body.

DIY washing water nail polish

Although it seems unbelievable, many people have confirmed that the apple vinegar mixture is really effective and can fly nail polish as common acetone eraser. Although it has not identified the reality, it is necessary to know how to make a formula for nail paint remover in case it is necessary. To do it, you need to mix the juice of a fresh lemon with four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Soak your hands in a warm water pot to soften the paint before dipping into the mixture of nail paint water for 10 seconds. After that, you just need to use a bleaching cotton and gently wipe away the paint. So you're successful, don't forget to moisturize your hand after finishing!

Teeth whitening

If you are a genuine coffee believer, you know that coffee makes yellow teeth are completely real. The smoking habit, using a lot of soy sauce when eating or drinking tea can make yellow teeth, making your smile no longer brightened like before. But don't worry, the apple vinegar mixture and water will help you solve this problem immediately - just mix a tablespoon of apple vinegar with three tablespoons and use this mixture to rinse your mouth. The sterilization characteristics of apple vinegar will help you goodbye to the unpleasant breath and oral bacteria. And if you have a sore throat - this ratio of 1: 3 will also treat that unpleasant feeling right away.

Categories: beauty, beauty
Tags: Chamo SOC / let / shine / man. / heel
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