8 mistakes in marriage - you know?

Marriage life is not all "pink" as you think. At times, you will face a lot of problems and will need the cooperation and commitment of both to solve.

Marriage life is not all "pink" as you think. At times, you will face a lot of problems and will need the cooperation and commitment of both to solve. To understand more about marriage life, let's understand mistakes and reality about marriage!

1. Marriage & romance

Myths: Perfect marriages always come naturally without the effort of couples. The romance is the key to a perfect marriage.

Reality: Marriers cannot be beautiful if there is only romance and love that needs attempts to embarrass both spouses. In life, there will be a lot of challenges that make the original romantic feeling faded. Therefore, both need to make commitments in marriage seriously and openly sharing to overcome those challenges.

2. Live try

Myths: Living pre-marriage is a way to check whether the marriage is successful or not.

Reality: Most couples who have ever lived before marriage are not happy after marriage or without durable marriages. Living away from marriage because both don't have a real commitment. Both may not exist or less motivation for trying to resolve the pulses or help each other when they live while life require both to hold hands to solve every difficulty. Trial can also bring the negative attitude to the future marriage.

3.Marriage and conflict

Myths: A happy marriage will no conflict.

Reality: All of the lesions have a conflict in marriage because they have their own thinking, separate view, and their own experience. However, happy couples will have a way to exchange and resolve better conflicts, more efficiently.

4.HappyPhuc in marriage tends to increase

Myths: The married people will have a happier marry life than before divorce is widely accepted, so unhappy marriages will be resolved with divorce.

Reality: According to many large-scale surveys in some countries on marriage, the results show that happiness in marriage does not only increase but also slightly decrease. Compared to marriages a few decades ago, couples tend to conflict more when they face many stress-related stresses.

5.Marriage and children

Myths: When there are children, couples will be closer, and become happier.

Reality: According to the results of many studies, the first baby's appearance can make couples far apart and bring stress for their marriage life. However, when there is a baby, couples have a lower divorce rate than couples without children.

6.Partner and perfection

Myths: Life mates can help you become more perfect.

Reality: You are always a complete individual. Your spouse can only complement you, but don't help you become more perfect, if you don't want to. Moreover, you should not expect your partner to meet all your needs, feelings.

7.External impact on marriage

Myths: Conflict in marriage only comes from the behavior of the couple.

Reality: In fact, others, situations and external events can affect your marriage. To overcome conflicts from external factors, both spouses need efforts, try, and build good commitment to marriage.

8. kissNhan will solve all your problems

Myths: Marriage will be the multimeter key to solve all your problems.

Reality: Marriage is not the multimeter key to solve all your troubles. The problems you encounter before getting married if not resolved will make you more troublesome when you enter marriage life. Moreover, the marriage life itself also faces many challenges. Therefore, you need to identify all the problems you encounter and find a way to solve it with the most positive attitude rather than evading it.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: get married
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