8 ways to use chocolate for good skin

While chocolate has a delicious taste, it also has beneficial properties, can keep the product in your personal diet.

If there is any reason to eat chocolate, we listen carefully. While chocolate has a delicious taste, it also has beneficial properties, you can keep the product in your personal diet - consumption must be moderate, of course.

Note: We are talking about black chocolate with a large cocoa content (ideally 70% or higher), we do not refer to milk-processed chocolate, bars, so remember when you read about miraculous things that can happen when you eat things natural or bad dishes.

Eating this magic dessert, and applying it to the skin can have very good health benefits. Here are all the benefits of chocolate on the skin, as DIY are ways you can integrate chocolate into the skin maintenance process, you can do this at home.

What benefits does chocolate have on the skin?

  • Hydrates skin

Thanks to antioxidants, your skin is protected by radical pests, which can cause Pete. Cocoa is an antioxidant, and is rich in flavonoid. Flavonoids contain vitamin A, B1, C, D and E, which helps the skin look young.

  • Stops stains and irritation

Did you know that chocolate has anti-inflammatory properties then applies constantly? Any product you choose chocolate, they will have a gentle effect and cause irritation to disappear.

  • Chocolate is a natural moisturizer

Thanks to the oleic acid, stearic acid, and palmitic, your dry skin will become smooth. Treat yourself with this truly magical ingredient - there is a reason why the cocoa butter is very moisturizing. You can create a black chocolate mask, or invest in other chocolate products.

  • Increases collagen level

Cocoa is the first material of the black chocolate, contains a high level of antioxidants, this slows down the development of wrinkles, and pulses the production of collagen. Protects skin from UV radiation, and maintains elasticity. Due to cocoa beans, which are rich in magnesium, stimulates the organize to produce a hormone called progesterone, which helps prevent eruptions.

  • Detoxify the skin and protects it from UV damages

You do not have time to care for your skin? Black chocolate contains caffeine, which helps to exfoliate skin and dead cells, and succeeding in discovering smooth baby skin. It helps to slow down the aging process, and can prevent skin cancer or burns, thus making it an important ingredient in the diet. Studies show chocolate consumption being a major benefit brought to health.

1. Make a lotion of chocolate

Consider making a home lotion with this recipe that can help you with skin care, refresh your skin with almonds, and coconut oil, brown sugar, and essential oils. Do you want better news? This lotion is edible.

2. Make a chocolate face mask

This mother's wellness mother mask is the show star, otherwise known as cocoa powder. Combines the benefits of banana, unprocessed honey and yogurt, acting against free radicals and have inflammatory properties.

3. Make a powder fund

Yes, Cocoa powder is a household ingredient for the foundation, this powder will absorb much moisture better than other powders. Here we combine cocoa powder with ingredient as nutmeg and cloves to make a natural recipe that doubles skin protection.

4. Make a chocolate lip balm

Do you want to smell with a very good muffin all day? This recipe is perfect to do it alone or with the family, and you need chocolate, honey, vitamin E and olive oil. Get my lips MAIM OI and put your family at work - a way to keep children busy, and add a new balsam of your lips.

5. Do a chocolate bath

The foam baths are expired ... Why not try a chocolate bath? It sounds much better than a sludge bath. Put a little powder milk, cocoa, and corn starch. All this one will take a bath and an experiment as a spa.

6. Apply as a leather butter

We all know that chocolate has a moisturizing effect, but oil moisturizer can be boring. So why not try to apply a chocolate soufflé, which has double moisturizing power. Apparently, cocoa in this recipe offers a tanning effect, giving skin a glow and a sunshine.

7. Clean the face with it

Yes, chocolate can also be a cleaning element. With oatmeal, cocoa powder, and coconut oil, you can do these "beauty happiness" that creates a "skin food". Just put a ball in the water until it breaks and turns into a face cleaning agent.

8. Create a chocolate conditioner

Technically speaking, your scalpel is skin, and chocolate can help your hair grow healthy and long. This balm has only two ingredients: coconut cream and cocoa powder.

Categories: Beauty
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