14 things the men do when they are mad after you

When you start falling in love, it is exciting, but also terrifying. You are not sure if she feels the same, you start looking for signs and signal this. Here's some signs for which you can leave the guard down and relax with the thought that he wants to keep you.

When you start falling in love, it is exciting, but also terrifying. You are not sure if she feels the same, you start looking for signs and signal this. Here's some signs for which you can leave the guard down and relax with the thought that he wants to keep you.

1. Do not notice cellulite and stretch marks - it sees you beautiful in spite of your deafs. That means real man.

2. He tells you what you do not want to hear, but what you have to hear, this guy does not tell you just stories, which means he cares about you.

3. Will spend spa nights with you. Yes, he will go with you to the spa and put that green mask without the shame that his friends will see him. That means true love. He wants to make you happy.

4. It will even go shopping with you. Those are usually serious husband or friend tasks (I hate to go shopping), so if he agrees to attend shopping, it means he wants to spend time with you, even when many would like to escape.

5. He does not realize when your beautiful girlfriends are around. It's like having horse glasses (in a good sense) you will never feel jealous.

6. Recognizes that it is in some cases emotionally and physically.

7. When he tells you he would like to know his family. This is a great step for men. He opens his most intimate parts of his life, that means he wants you for a while.

8. It involves you in its future plans. Do not disappear from the blue life.

9. Remembers the little details you say. Even those things you forgot. Because memories with you are precious and is careful about everything you transmit.

10. When you argue, it swallows its pride and apologizes first. Even if he did not happen. He can not be angry with hours.

11. He says he likes you more without makeup, he really speaks.

12. Only your reaction matters, and will be on your side in any situation. A man sitting next to his woman in any situation, keeps you, because men do not get involved in insignificant situations.

13. Write you right away. Forget about that waiting game. It is delighted to hear about you and write you back. Probably something adorable.

14. When you're in the cycle, it's very sensitive, it will go with you to buy buffers. A man who understands the woman in her difficult and irresponsible periods, is prepared to be larges for the rest of his life.

Categories: Relationships
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