6 reasons why Clarice Lispector is famous worldwide

Did you know that Writer Clarice Lispector is famous all over the world? Here are the reasons why she was so translated.

Almost every Brazilian that went to school has heard of the writer Clarice Lispector in literature classes. The incredible is that the author of novels and tales became famous worldwide while she was still active and writing.

Clarice passed away in 1977, but we continue to study her influence and the works of her. It is also worth remembering that the centenary of her birth occurred last year and, to honor this fact, we decided to remind the 6 reasons why Clarice Lispector is so famous in the rest of the world.

1 - First translation Her made a lot of success

Clarice was first translated in 1954, 10 years after publishing his first novel, near the wild heart. The translation was this same novel, released asPrès du coeur sauvage by the French publisher Plon.

Although the author did not have much tanned the translation, the French edition closely did a lot of success in the country - so much that was soon translated into Spanish. Since then, Clarice was taken very quickly for several languages, being acclaimed everywhere wherever he passed. So far, a total of 308 editions of translated books are added, not counting the numerous editions of contents and chronicles in collections.

2 - Clarice traveled a lot

The writer was married to the diplomat Maury Gurgel Valente for over a decade and, because of this, traveled all over the world accompanying her husband. She lived in Switzerland in England in Italy and the United States during that time.

While doing his travels, Clarice also had visibility in the international media. This released her image and works from her, stimulating new readers to know her texts through translations. And this was also one of the great reasons for which she was so well known.

3 - She had a lot of presence in the media

A lot of people do not know, but before posting the tales and novels that left it famous, the writer worked as a journalist in the Carioca press. And no, Clarice not only published chronicles and tales, as did interviews and produced female columns under pseudonym.

Even after disliking his fiction-writer career, Clarice continued to collaborate with the press, and this helped her greatly to be translated and published abroad.

4 - The quality of your texts

Of course traveling a lot and being present in the media would not be worth anything if the author's texts were simple. Clarice Lispector has become the icon that is to date mainly because of her writing nature, which is worshiped in all contexts - national and internationally!

The author uses an affordable vocabulary, but her stream style of consciousness is what makes her work so challenging and charming for many people.

5 - Her work has universal character

Who has read Clarice knows: she writes about very human and very common dilemmas. Her characters have epiphanies and present feelings not only us, Brazilians, experienced.

Who is in Japan, Spain, Thailand, or anywhere else knows how to interpret the feelings of the art of Clarice and the existential crises of his characters. After all, we are all human! This universal aspect of the author's work was what conquered the heart of all the gringos who read it.

6 - Internet popularization

According to Nádia Battella Gotlib, Clarice's biographer, in the last decade we saw a great growth in the author's fame, mainly due to the popularization of the Internet.

In an interview, the biographer still comments: "From 2010 to 2020, counting on such a stimulatory instrument of the disclosure [the Internet], the number of translations continued to increase: I have the record of more 123 editions of books." Therefore, this popularization ended up leaving the writer even more famous abroad, with an impressive increase in translations.

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