Bicarbonate tips that simplify life

Cheap, effective, safe. Here are the thousands of bicarbonate that will make your life easier

Our life is often a chaos, of appointments to match and a thousand things to do. And before carving us some time for us, we must first remember to buy a thousand products: the right product for the scrub, that suitable for a relaxing footbath, the deodorant suitable for our skin, the whitening toothpaste (taking care though that it is Effective but not aggressive). And the same applies to home care! And if I told you that from today you can say goodbye to all this stress and replace everything with a single single natural (and economic) product that will simplify a lot of life?

Scrub for face and body

Three bicarbonate parts and a part of water, mix well and applied on the face and body skin with constant and circular movements. Then rinse with plenty of warm water. You will eliminate all the impurities that normally sediment on the skin. A truly delicate and effective cuddle.

Softness and relaxation

When you give you a well-deserved relaxing bath, add baking soda in the bathtub. Its emollient effect and its antiseptic and antibacteric properties will make the skin soft, clean and decidedly relaxed.

Say acne goodbye, wrinkles and skin stains

In a small bowl add three tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and the half lemon juice. Stir for good and apply the mixture on the face. Let act for a few minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water. The antiseptic bicarbonate properties will eliminate acne and its exfoliating effect will significantly improve your skin, canceling stains and small wrinkles.


At the end of the day, what could be more relaxing and beneficial than a fantastic foot bath? Warm or warm water, two tablespoons of bicarbonate and, if you want, a few drops of fragrant oil. The antibacterial and antiseptic bicarbonate properties allow you to really clean the plantar area. An exceptional operation especially for those suffering from fungi or mycosis to nails.

Natural deodorant

A few simple ingredients and you can make an effective and natural deodorant at home. In cream or spray. Water, bicarbonate, essential oil, two drops of lemon and the game is made.

White and healthy teeth

The bicarbonate bleaches and cleans the mouth as few other products in the world. Immerse the brush bristles in pure bicarbonate and brush your teeth as you usually do. You will have more whites from the first application.

Hair brushes

Remove all the hair left in the brushes. Fill a tiepid water basin and add 4 teaspoons of bicarbonate. Make them melt well in the water and immerse our brushes. Leave them in immersion for 10 minutes, rinse them and let them dry. You will have a set of brushes like new.

Eliminate odors

Melt the bicarbonate in the water and add ten drops of essential oil to the perfume that you like best. With a spray, any home environment fragrance. Also try it to clean your shoes, two teaspoons in each, a drop of water and spread the mixture over the entire internal surface. Then in the washing machine as always. They will be clean and scented as never before!

A fabulous laundry

With two teaspoons of bicarbonate added in a pan at the time of rinsing you will have a clean and sanitized laundry as with the best quality commercial products. With the difference, however, that you will have saved some of your pennies and have given a big hand to the environment.

Really clean appliances

Bicarbonate deletes dirt residues that a first cleaning fails to remove. It sanits the surfaces and eliminates any type of smell has impregnated your oven, the microwave oven sink or fridge. Use it combined with an acid element (which is the juice of a lemon or half a glass of vinegar) and will be the winning formula you will no longer be able to give up.

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