The 10 most beautiful red-haired men

We do not often see celebrity to show off natural red hair but, when they do it, it is a real spectacle. Here are the 10 most beautiful men in the red-haired world.

There is something special in people with red hair, which distinguishes them from the rest of the people. Whether it's a fiery chioma or a more ginger color, red people capture everyone's attention, wherever they go. Especially if they are famous! We do not often see celebrity to show off natural red hair but, when they do it, it is a real spectacle. Here are the 10 most beautiful men in the red-haired world.

Tom Hiddleston

He will be able to surprise you but, to the natural, Tom Hiddleston has red hair! He is obliged to dye to cover most of the roles of him but the natural color of him is tending to red. Loki, one of him's most famous roles of him, has black hair but you have to admit that the actor is very well with the true color of him.

Viggo Mortensen

The Aragorn played by Viggo Mortensen stole the heart of anyone from when he came outThe Lord of the Rings. He was incredibly well with brown hair and is even more with red hair. Today, if you want to enjoy the red look of him, you'll have to search among the old photos because the hair of him became all silver gray.

Damian Lewis

Damian Lewis is one of the few actors to keep the hair natural in every occasion. He is beautiful and he features those red hair with lots of pride! He is also an extraordinary actor, winner of numerous Golden Globe awards. The most memorable roles of him are Nicholas Brody inHomeland and King Enrico Viii inWolf Hall.

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender is such a charismatic man that his splendid red hair often passes in the background. Like many actors, he most of the time he must hide it, changing the color for different roles. In reality, the hair of him are natural red. Would we love his magneto character even more if he was red? Probably yes!

Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor is Scottish, you can't be surprised that he has red hair. If only he held him in Star Wars! Lately we didn't see it very much on the screen but one of him's last roles of him inFargo He earned him a Golden Globe award.

Benedict Cumberbatch

You might think that Benedict Cumberbatch stained her hair and make himself red but, in reality, this is the natural color of him! It's true, we rarely see him with this look, that's why he is even more fascinating when he does. He has to change color for most roles of him, choosing a darker dark brown shades.

Sam Heughan

The historians claim that the first testimonies of red men come from Scotland: before there were no red-haired splendors! Also suppose that red hair is the result of a genetic mutation. In those days, however, people were not aware of it and in fact tended to avoid red people, connecting this color to witchcraft and the devil. Well, we now know why there are so many reds in Scotland! Sam Heughan is a Scottish actor and has the most beautiful red hair ever.

Prince Harry

Without Prince Harry it would not be complete a list of beautiful red males. He proudly leads his royal red hair, making every picture a real pleasure for the eyes. He recently married Meghan Markle. He is a philanthropist, a family father and has a long time of service in the army. In 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle withdrew as elderly crown members, opting for greater freedom and independence in their lives.

Kristofer Hivju

Kristofer Hivju became one of the favorite characters ofgame of Thrones Thanks to his audacity and humor. The character of him, Tormund Giantsbane, was also what he pronounced the legendary phrase: "We are fine. We kissed by fire ". He is naturally red and super fascinating with this hair color. It turned out that his wife is red!

Michael C. Hall

Michael C. Hall is a charismatic actor and one of the most beautiful reds in the film industry. His portrait of Dexter, a double-waisted serial killer who kills people and solves crimes at the same time, gave him a Golden Globe. He's performance was brilliant so it's not so surprising. He is one of those actors faithful to him the natural color of him also on the big screen.

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