Social Detox: when disconnecting improves life

It would be silly to deny that technology has improved the life of many. Especially at work, it's all easier, faster, with a saving of time and notable energies. Without considering that social networks are (states) very useful to many to find old acquaintances, make new friends or buy fantastic objects never seen before. But ... there is a ...

It would be silly to deny that technology has improved the life of many. Especially at work, it's all easier, faster, with a saving of time and notable energies. Without considering that social networks are (states) very useful to many to find old acquaintances, make new friends or buy fantastic objects never seen before. But ... there is one though. Maybe we use them too much and we should take a healthy social detox period! A detoxification from the social world to learn to enjoy real life again. Follow us and you'll explain why!

The weather

Some studies say that on average we spend 2 hours a day glued to the mobile to check emails, posts, likes, little hearts and so on. That said it doesn't look a lot, but if we make a short calculation the awareness changes. 2 hours a day equals to 60 hours a month or 720 hours in a year. Removing 10 hours a day between sleep and meals, we can say that we spend51 days a year dedicated only to the Internet and social, then filling our conversations of "I would love to do ..., but I don't really have time!"

No cell phone before sleeping

Notifications, inches up, comments, hygle hearts can wait. It is scientifically proven that staying in front of a screen before falling asleep disturbs sleep. So in addition to stealing time for us before falling asleep, the quality of sleep and the mood of the next day will worsen.


Just with the feeling of having to document whatever you face or happen to us on social networks. It is not necessary to let everyone know what we are combining. We breathe with full lungs our happy moments with feet on the ground, without necessarily having to share them in the virtual.

No cell phone at the table

In addition to being a little educated and little hygienic, being glued to the smartphone while you are a table without much of the pleasure of sharing a meal. No photo for social media, no messaggi, no post. We rediscover the beauty of savoring delicious foods we have in the dish, exchanging a chat with those in front of us. Reciprimpse of the "here and now"!

Social and internet every day yes, but for a short time

Maximum 30 minutes a day. Only essential things: work emails, 30 seconds elsewhere and then enough. Via your cell phone and watch around us. We improve the quality of our time. At home, at work, organizing a family activity or carving us more time for our hobbies.

Shopping in person

Among the thousands of the Internet and social media is to be able to buy anything else sitting comfortably on the sofa at home or while we are waiting by the hairdresser. And if, on the other hand, a couple of those 51 days a year we spend connected there spent around the store to do healthy shopping in person? We meet real faces while we touch the products you need. We know, making purchases is good for the spirit, but in this way we will also give a concrete hand to the real economy.

Less obsessions

Needless to tell it, if our ex's profile is there at hand, a peek every now and then we give it to it. And then go to repurchase, to make us a thousand movies on photos, comments, like and assumptions. For charity! All useless obsessions that can only hinder our happiness!

More attention

More than 50% of users search information, read or write something on your cell phone while it does more. Especially while you married, on foot, by bike or even by car! In these cases, excessive use of mobile phone can really be a danger to us and others!


You will say, what does a diary have to do with social networks?! Yet he has to do with it. Because keeping a personal journal (private!) Helps get to know each other better, to devote yourself time and not to obsessively project our days on social skills waiting for the reactions or approval of semi-unknown. Holding a personal diary will help you detoxify yourself from the virtual and to regain your life without even realizing. Seeing is believing.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: social detox
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