8 Incredible ways to use olive oil to enhance your beauty

Olive oil is one of the largest moisturizers that exists and does not contain chemical additives or substances. You can use to make hands for your hands, hair masks, facials ... and also to detoxify the whole body!

We all know that olive oil does wonders in the kitchen, from tasty fried dishes to tasty salads. And if you used this scented oil even for your beauty routine? Olive oil is one of the largest moisturizers that exists and does not contain chemical additives or substances. You can use to make hands for your hands, hair masks, facials ... and also to detoxify the whole body! Here are 8 incredible ways to use olive oil to enhance your beauty.

Hair mask

Olive oil is rich in omega-3 antioxidants and fatty acids, which means that it can accelerate hair regrowth, giving it a healthy glow and a right hydration. Although the scalp produces enough oil, the hair ends usually dry too due to the use of hair products and chemical shampoos. It mixes a little olive oil with a little honey to give an extra touch of health and apply everything about the hair before you wash them. Leave to act for 30-60 minutes or all night. Wash and rinse your hair as always. Your locks will be magnificent!

Bath oil

If you like to take a hot bath from time to time, to relax and leave all the worries behind, try adding 3-4 teaspoons of olive oil instead of those fragrant chemicals. You can also add 7 drops of your favorite essential oil if you want a more relaxing effect. Your skin will become smooth like silk after this procedure!

Face cleaning

Who would have thought that good old extra virgin olive oil can be used to purify the face? And it's true! It works beautifully on the skin, removing all the impurities accumulated during the day. Fill the palm of the hand with olive oil, wait until it warms up and apply it gently on the skin for about 30 seconds. You can also massage your face as it removes stress and relaxes muscles. Take a cloth and put it in hot water, then place it on your face and wait until you cool. This procedure will open the pores, so that the oil does its magic. Carefully remove any residue of oil left on the skin ... and that's done!

Oil Pulling

The rinses to the oil may seem a bit strange at first but noted well, it is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment. In the past people really knew how to use natural oils in the best possible way. The concept is to take some tablespoons of olive oil (or any other specific natural oil) and rinse your mouth with this for about 20 minutes. If it seems excessive, you can start with a minor amount and do it for a shorter period of time. This easy procedure removes bacteria from the mouth, bleaching your teeth, while eliminating toxins from all over the body! After finishing the procedure it is important to spit the oil and wash your teeth.

Remove the trick

It may seem crowd but olive oil is really perfect to remove makeup. It's sweet, natural and knows how to do your job well! Just immerse a cotton pad in olive oil and use it like any other remover product. It purifies the skin carefully, while feeds and moisturizes it. It improves its elasticity and is fabulous against cutaneous aging. The brushes used for make-up can also be cleaned through a mixture of liquid soap and olive oil. Just pour a bit of this mix into a glass and wake up the brushes well, until they are completely soaked. Then rinse them under running water until they can completely clean them.

Face mask

Of course, olive oil is a perfect base for any type of face mask. The dry skin considerably benefits from olive oil, especially if mixed with other healthy ingredients. Mix the olive oil with avocado cream if you want an immediate boost of beauty. The antioxidants present in olive oil prevent aging, while avocado is rich in healthy fatty acids that will make the skin smooth and fantastic. Apply the mask on the slightly wet face so that it works better. Mix honey, olive oil and a spoonful of salt for a perfect exfoliator who will feed and moisturize the skin.

Massage oil

If you practice self-massage or just like doing it to others, olive oil can become your perfect tool. You can easily mix both with other oils than with essential oils for aromatherapy, giving an extra touch of beauty. With its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is a perfect remedy for the whole body. It also contains polyphenols and vitamin E, essential for skin health.

Cure heels

Dried and split heels are a real pain and, if you've ever experienced this experience, you know that it is not so easy to report them to normal. There are several ointments that you can find in the pharmacy but, if you want to try a more natural approach, use simple olive oil. Strofinane generously a little on the feet, there is a need for a lot of humidity to heal the heels. Wear hot socks so that the oil does not stick on the sheets and go to sleep like this. Repeat this treatment for as long as you want, until the heels are back to their normality.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: Olio Make Up
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