The best foods to boost the immune system

We're all locked in the house because of the Coronavirus. Do not you quit, you do not go around, do not you meet friends. The virus is new and does not yet know how to defeat it. The only things you can do are: being locked in the house so as not to infect us and not infect others and keep as fit as possible, strengthening our immune system!

We are all chiusiin home because of the Coronavirus. Do not you leave, you do not go around, not siincontrano friends. The virus is new and does not yet know comesconfiggerlo. The only things we can do are: being locked in the house Pernon infect us and not infect others and keep as fit as possible, strengthening our immune system! Making the most that we conquello we have. Keep us healthier can you can even questitempi and it is almost a duty! Here are the best foods to stay fit erinforzare the immune system.

Fruit and vitamin C

The super classicadelle vitamins to strengthen the immune system is vitamin C. The primofrutto we think about is now the orange, but in this period when sonofuori season could be useful to remember that other fruits necontengono in quantity! Apples, kiwi, bananas, kumquats, currants and other fruits deforested, papaya. They are all fruits rich in vitamin C.


Often there nedimentichiamo, but garlic is a formidable ally for preventing infections eto fight many annoying seasonal ailments like cough, ilraffreddore and even the flu. Thanks all'allicina, garlic has antibacterial fortepotere. And, to do some 'of humor, after a meal all'aglioil meters away from the others, required by government directives, èassicurato!


The cultures latticiaiutano the proper functioning of the bacterial flora, which depends largely partedel immune system. Probiotics are particularly present fermented neglialimenti such as, for example, yogurt and in some types of formaggicome miso or kefir. They are also found in the products prepared bakery dough CONUN acid.

Dark chocolate

It's good to also Healthand mood! Especially dark chocolate, which contains moltocacao, is a major source of flavonoids, known to be vigorosiantiossidanti also found in tea, red wine or red fruits. It is natural unantidepressivo and also works against migraine!


Fish is rich in minerals. It contains phosphorus, which helps our memory, calcium which helps us fight and prevent various diseases to the most important bones, and of all, iodine, which is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid.


Cereals such as whole ilfrumento, oats, corn, rice, quinoa, barley, rye, or buckwheat ilmiglio bring important benefits sulsistema cardiovascular and blood pressure and the loss of pesoe for glycemia. The important thing is not to exceed in quantity. About 70 grammial day is enough and it is important to vary as much as possible.


Eat vegetables every day it is a great help to the immune system. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help to eliminate free radicals and is also the first source of fiber, essential for the cleanliness and health of our intestines.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: food
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