The best flu remedies

Here we propose this: some simple tips to prevent or fight the flu. And you? Do you have any effective remedy of grandmother to recommend?

Also this year the flu has returned to visit us and between real emergencies or pure and useless alarmism, we barcamen between colds, influences, seasonal viruses and fever! And like every year, the major sources of information take us to remind us that some simple tricks can be really useful to do not get sick or healing very soon, saving us a few days of suffering! Here we propose this: some simple tips to prevent or fight the flu. And you? Do you have any effective remedy of grandmother to recommend?

Wash hands often

The first advice to always keep (always) in mind is to often wash your hands. With the handsTorch anything And without realizing it we bring ourselves to the mouth and nose million and millions of germs and viruses. Always keep your hands clean is an excellent trick to avoid spending very long days in bed with fever!

Sneeze in the elbow

They taught us to put a hand in front of the mouth when we realize or when we sneeze. But the more hygienic and more effective solution is, instead, to sneeze into the elbow to avoid keeping germs, bacteria and viruses on the hands.

Blowing your nose and throw away your handkerchiefs

Another golden rule to limit the flu is to throw awayimmediately Paper handkerchiefs after using them! I am a real basin of germs and bacteria if we keep them in the pockets!

C vitamin

C vitamin It is the password in influenza prevention. A nice juice of organic oranges every morning at breakfast helps us to reinforce the immune system, to make us feel stronger and more fit. Seeing is believing!

Cold water bag

But if we were not able to avoid it, a natural remedy against the influence and body temperature that rises is a beautiful cold water bag to keep on the head. Helps lower the temperature and give us a few minutes of relief.


Wash the wrists

Even wet the wrists with cold water (and vinegar?) It seems to be an excellent remedy to lower the body temperature.

Hot herbal tea

A hot herb tea can only do ourselves! On a day of influence, of headaches and pains to the bones and in every where, being curled up in a warm blanket and drinking a hot herb tea will make us feel a little better!

Chicken broth

A real remedy of the grandmother! And also of the mother. Who didn't happen to you, in bed and feeling calling to eat something, finding a steaming plate of chicken broth full of meat and vegetables to get back in shape? A remedy that is good and to the body and to the heart.

Stay warm and rest

Needless hiding. The hectic life to which we are forced does not even allow us to get sick. We don't have time! And so, even if we have a cold and fever, we throw down some medication and go to work. But it shouldn't be like that! Our body needs to stop and rest. There is no more effective remedy that staying a few days at home, warm, to rest, to leave our body the time necessary to recover from the influenza attacks.

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