Gaia Girace will no longer be Lila

In the direct series from Saverio Costanzo, we met the faces of Lila and Lenu, we are passionate about the friendship of those two little girls raised together in the difficult and fascinating reality of the Neapolitan suburbs. We saw them become women, along parallel roads, but very close, which continue to intertwine at every intersection. If you have also been kidnapped by history, keep you strong: Lila goes away!

The first season was a success. The second season followed the first, having perhaps even more. And the third? How will it be? You have already understood what we're talking about! The brilliant friend, the TV series born from the novel by Elena Ferrante who has conquered us with the spectacularity of his writing and for the truth and originality of her stories. In the direct series from Saverio Costanzo, we met the faces of Lila and Lenu, we are passionate about the friendship of those two little girls raised together in the difficult and fascinating reality of the Neapolitan suburbs. We saw them become women, along parallel roads, but very close, which continue to intertwine at every intersection. If you have also been kidnapped by history, keep you strong: Lila goes away!

Lila and Lenu

We met them like this: girls. The small twelve-year-old actresses have been chosen (to the behest of Elena Ferrante!) During the castings made in schools in Naples and surroundings! Between almost 9,000 auditions, Elisa del Genius, blonde, of Scandinavian origins but born and raised in Naples, alarm clock and mild in the ways she seemed immediately perfect to interpret Lenu (Elana Grieco). And Ludovica Nasti, black and piercing eyes and olive skin seemed the living incarnation of Lila (Raffaella Cerullo) seemed.

The second season

The second season saw Lila and Lenu teenagers. The brilliant girls of the first season became small women in the second. Similarly, as already anticipated in various interviews, even the actors of the season just finished will interpret their characters only in the first episodes of the next. Then the witness will pass to other more interpreters ... mature.

Gaia Girace

Gaia Girace, our Lila Cerullo on the set of the New Surname History season, was born in Vico Equense. The Neapolitan who shows up in the episodes is not studied. It is part of her. You have always loved acting and at the age of 16 she is already one of the most sought after faces on national and international sets. The HBO (US Film House) showed interest both for her and Margherita Mazzucco. You who knows what other roles we will find them!

Margherita Mazzucco

Reserved, perhaps more than Gaia. We know that she was also born and raised in Naples and that at the age of 16, before being part of the brilliant friend, she had never worked as an actress. Well ... fantastic start of a career we wish it to be brilliant!

Serena Rossi and Alba Rohrwacher

Rumors. Only rumors for the moment, but it is rumored that they will be just serene Rossi to interpret Lila and that Alba Rohrwacher will collect the witness of the Mazzucco in the role of Lenu for subsequent seasons. We'll see!

Elena Ferrante

And then there's her. The real brilliant mind of all this. Elena Ferrante, the author of this fantastic friendship story. Do you know everything about her? Well ... impossible! Because Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym. Her (or of him?) We only know that she was born in Naples in 1943 and that her literary production began in 1992 with the novel the harassment love. For the rest they are only conjectures. But if it intrigues you, you know that in 2003, the same writer has published a book on the issue: crushers, in which she talks about her choice of semianomimate. You almost want to keep a certain distance from her books. They must be perceived as autonomous organisms, which have no need for you to be known or appreciated by readers.

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