The 8 happiest zodiac couples

We show you the happiest and most indestructible couple of the zodiac according to the signs! And you? Is your couple among these?

In one way or another the stars condition the path of men. For centuries and millennia were the safe driving of sailors and travelers. In ancient times they were consulted to understand the will of the gods and still today condition our way of being, our way of doing and thinking. Don't you believe it? We show you the happiest and most indestructible couple of the zodiac according to the signs! And you? Is your couple among these?

Libra and fish

Together, they seem to have all the cards in order to build a happy and lasting relationship! The balance is the continuous search forBalance and harmony In one's life while the fish dedicates continuous care and attention to your partner. They are both significant signs to small things and very very sensitive to what surrounds them.

Virgin and aquarium

The sign of the Virgin is the most concrete, hypercritical, meticulous, attentive to form and super rational. And it is thanks to the rationality that shares with the aquarium we can indicate, with absolute certainty, this couple likeone of the most solid and happyHim! To understand, they don't even need to talk!

Gemini and Aries

If we talk about feelings, that of the Gemini is the least reliable sign of all! He hates constraints, constraints, is often elusive, but he knows how to be very very intriguing at the same time! If there is one thing that the twins just does not bear is the boredom and the Aries (generous, passionate and that does not know what the rationality and diplomacy is really know how to put pepper to everyday life. ANDA little lively couple And at the same time balanced.

Taurus and cancer

The bull, you know, is a sign that loves to enjoy the little ones and the great pleasures of life and that needs a huge dose of concreteness in his everyday life. Cancer is the romantic sign par excellence, one of the few who knows how to dedicate a lot of cuddles to the bull and a thousand small attentions.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Generally, Capricorn is serious, has an always superfit agenda of appointments and things to do and the way of being of him is always quite amletholic. The scorpion, which has a child to say the least pungent, is a sign that hates the half measures. Or he gives everything he has or does not take others not even considering. It is a sensual, passionate sign that if he decides to love, he does itwith soul and bodyHim! And Al Capricorn really like it!

Sagittarius and twins

It is said that the Sagittarius is the most pleasant and open sign of the zodiac. He loves to explore, traveling, to know everything that is different from himself. He has a huge optimism and tends very often to underestimate the dangers. But if there is something that can destroy a relationship with the sagittarius is the banality. For this reason he needs aSuperstimulating partner Taking the bar to always reach a little higher. And this a twin knows how to do it!

Fish and cancer

Fish are dreamers, very romantic, although they are often having to win your shyness! Together with cancer they are a real source of mutual joy! The strong sensitivity shared by both creates a harmony and a synergy to say the least enviable!

Lion and aquarium

Honest and superstar of his own and of the Life Altrui. The lion is like that. He needs to have all the spotlight on himself and a partner who knows how to grasp and appreciate all the strength and brightness of him self-centered. The aquarium, from the song of him, is curious and carefree and knows how to bring a lot of lightness into the relationship with the lion. When they sayOpposites attractHim!

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