10 original ways to prepare your body at summer

Let's look at reality: summer is coming and we have to do something! Until we find ourselves at the beach, in our favorite bikini that seems to us or too small or too tight and we realize that ... (oh God!) Maybe it was the case to go to the gym! To avoid this shock and not to get to desserts and sparkling days in summer with a physique far from what you wanted, we offer you 10 unusual (and fun) activities to prepare for summer.

Let's look at reality: summer is coming and we have to do something! While we begin to get out of our hot covered and we always wear our scarves always in fashion, week after week, we put our body more and more. Until we find ourselves at the beach, in our favorite bikini that seems to us or too small or too tight and we realize that ... (oh God!) Maybe it was the case to go to the gym! To avoid this shock and not to get to desserts and sparkling days in summer with a physique far from what you wanted, we offer you 10 unusual (and fun) activities to prepare for summer.

Go dancing
And let's say seriously! Choose the style you like and go dancing! Have fun, at least twice a week (and at least for a month) and you will be ready for the summer in the blink of an eye! Your metabolism will improve, your stress levels will decrease and you will feel much better. If you want to lose more than a few pounds, try the classical dance or with contemporary dance. A single dance lesson will burn at least 600 calories.

Go shopping
As crazy may seem, shopping can really help you lose weight. It can be a rather exhausting activity, right? When he takes you, you could go around for hours looking for what you need. Simply to buy food, taking a walk to get to the supermarket, can turn into a real workout. You can burn up to 500 calories, as in an hour of exercise bikes!

Eat juicy fruits
With the arrival of the hottest days, your diet should also adapt. Melons, watermelons and other juicy fruits are extraying allied to fight the heat, moisturize your body naturally and don't weigh down. In addition to being rich in vitamins, these fruits give a sense of satiety that will not make you suffer or hunger or thirst for quite a while. Help you lose weight!

Clean home cleaner
Cleaning a house may not return among your favorite pastimes, but after we have explained to you because you should do it, you will certainly like it. Yes, clean home makes you lose weight! 30 minutes of domestic cleaning equals 15 minutes of work on the abdominals. Two pigeons with a bean!

Sings how much you want
And if I fell instead of making push-ups? Yes, this is the reality in which we want to live. The truth is that singing involves a great deal of muscles and, if done in the right way, can turn into a real workout. One hour of singing is equivalent to 15 minutes of push-ups! So he continues to sing and have fun Laura Pausini who lives in you! It is one of the most fun ways to lose weight.

Sleep a little more
Sleep brings innumerable benefits with them, including beauty and weight loss. Give yourself the hours of sleep you need and it will not only be your body to feel better, but also your mind. Improves metabolism and helps you burn calories. According to some studies, it works best when sleeping without clothes. Give yourself those 5 minutes more in the morning and on the beach you will be even more beautiful!

Kiss your love
It is well known that kissing helps to burn calories, but we think it is worth remembering it. Can't you leave your boyfriend alone even for an hour of training in the gym? Well, then you can change the type of workout and ... cover it with kisses. Even if you need a considerable amount to really lose weight: in an hour you can burn only 60 calories. But it must be admitted that among all the activities to lose weight this is one of the most pleasant.

Laugh more than you can
What would you prefer: 10 minutes of squats or 10 minutes of laughter? We think that the answer is quite discounted as laughing is the essence of fun. Watch the show of your favorite cabaretist, a comic movie or have fun doing stupid things with your friends. Do anything you make you laugh at Crepapelle! With a healthy laugh you can burn up to 40 calories.

Choose the right costume
Yes, prepare for the beach also means developing adequate style to style. Because if you put your splendid body in the wrong costume all your efforts to be in shape will have been vain. Conversely, in the right costume you will seem a queen you are not even in your best form. Don't be lazy wearing the first costume that happens, find the right one! Go shopping with a few friends, you will have fun!

Watch the horror movies
That you are a fan of horror movies or not, you might consider the idea of ​​watching them just to give a boost to your metabolism. It is not a secret that the adrenaline discharge caused by fear makes you lose your appetite. Do you want to lose weight while your body is preparing to fight or escape to terror? For example, "the exorcist" will help you burn up to 158 calories, while "shining" will help you get rid of 184 calories, the equivalent of 15 minutes of jumping with the rope.

Categories: Fashion
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