6 dishes that combine well with paella

Here we show you some ideas to highlight this recipe that in Iberian lands gets used to preparing Sundays.

The paella is the King of Spain dish and the most international of the nation. That delicious combination of rice and meat is very complete, so it usually serves alone. However, in addition to a good wine to marry, there are companions or tickets that combine it very well. The general feature is that they are fresh and lightweight. Here we show you some ideas to highlight this recipe that in Iberian lands gets used to preparing Sundays.

1 Gazpacho.

The Gazpacho is a cold soup based on tomatoes. This preparation is refreshing and does not opaque the flavors of the paella, which makes it a perfect incoming. Making this saucer is extremely simple. Tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, oil, vinegar, salt and water are required. All vegetables are chopped and taken to the food processor with the rest of the ingredients. Once you have a fine texture, it is passed through the colander and refrigerated at least two hours before serving.

2 mushrooms with onions

The mushrooms are lightweight and easy to combine with any plate, they are even perfect as tapas. You can serve them mixed with onions to give them more flavor. For its elaboration it will be enough to confit onions and then sauté with the mushrooms in a pan. Salpimentar and take the table to tap before the main course.

3 Tomato Salad

Almost all green salads will be great as a companion or paella appetizer, but Tomato offers special acidity and sweetness. To perform it, cut tomatoes into pieces and fresh lettuce in equal quantity. To dress it uses salt, pepper, oil, a vinegar splash and a pinch of sugar.

4 Mussels

Any type of paella (vegetables, seafood or mixed) is combinable with a good lid of mussels. Because of its texture and flavor it is phenomenal as a companion, even more with a glass of ice cream white wine. The simplest and most tasty way to elaborate is steamed. For this he washes the mussels very well and placed them with a little water in a pot. Add a few laurel leaves and a splash of lemon and tap. When they are open they will be ready for consumption.

5 Octopus to La Gallega

Like the mussel, the octopus is another fruit of the sea that never denthes. It is low in fat, it is not heavy and is very healthy. A rich way of serving is "to La Gallega". Clean the octopus and trocate it. Put it boil in a pot until it softens. In another pot they get cooking potatoes. When they are cooked they are peeled and cut into slices. They are placed on a large dish and sprinkle with paprika (paprika). Then the cooked octopus is placed on top and it is aligned with more paprika powder, salt and olive oil.

6 Vegetables and vegetables to the embers

If the food will be outdoors, there is nothing better than taking advantage of the parrillera and put some vegetables at the heat of the embers. You can use those who like the most (peppers, eggplants, zucchini, purple cabbage, asparagus, artichokes). You just have to varnish them with a little oil and skim. They are placed on fire (low). Remember that each vegetable has a different cooking time.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: paella
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