How to make mother mass: 7 tips to get it

These are some tips that will help you in the process.

There are many kindness that the mother mass presents when preparing bread and other recipes. This species of "natural yeast" enriches the artisan bakery and is simple to do. The important thing is to be armed with patience so as not to fail in its elaboration. If the basic indications are followed and some tricks are taken into account, the task will not be complicated. These are some tips that will help you in the process.

1. The ingredients

To elaborate mother mass you will only need wheat flour (the integral is better) and water. That's how simple. The idea is to create a ferment that will perform the same work that yeast plays in the bakery. For something they call him "natural yeast" or "wild". Its use provides greater flavor to preparations.

2. Environmental conditions

In addition to the ingredients, to ensure that the mixture is perfect, you have to make sure that the temperature is optimal. The dough has to be left out and the environment will influence the speed of the fermented process. The ideal is that the mass reposses at a temperature between 24 and 27 degrees centigrade. If the temperature is lower, the process will also take place, but it will be slower. If it is very hot (up to 32 ° C), the opposite will occur.

3. Adequate container

The mother mass grows, cam or sponge when ferment, and therefore it requires a container container container or bottle with a lid. One very small will not leave you space and will overflow.

4. Fair time

The main trick so that the mother mass develop correctly is to give you the time necessary to do so. The usual thing is that fermentation late about six days, but this will always depend on the temperature. You do not have to be impatient, because sometimes you may need more days.

5. Elaboration

On day 1, 5 gr of flour and 5 ml of water are mixed. It is removed with a spoon, lid and allowed to stand 24 hours. On days 2, 3 and 4 this procedure is repeated. On day 4 you will begin to see bubbles in the dough. The day 5 the mass will be more active and developed. Now you must feed more continuously, that is, flour and water will be added in proportion to the amount of mother mass there are every 12 hours. Arrival La Quinta Day, there should be 40 gr of mother mass. We will take the lower half and we will eliminate the rest. To these 20 gr you will be added 20 gr of flour and 20 ml of water.

6. Surveillance

Once the mass rests after the feeding, it will reach its maximum point. To identify this point you will see that the mass has grown a lot. He will leave mark on the container and then begin to sink. It will then be when you can use: it will be very grown and you will have had many bubbles. A trick to know if it is ready is to add a little dough to a glass with water. If Fleet will be perfect; If it sinks, you must feed again.

7. Conservation

If you elaborate loaves daily, every day you must repeat the process of day 5: feed the mass to have it always available. If you do not use it so frequently, you can put it in the fridge and keep it for a week maximum. When you go to use it, you must leave it at least one hour at room temperature so that the ferment is activated again.

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