7 watermelon data that you never knew

You'll be surprised!

The watermelon is definitely the favorite fruit of summer for many. It is delicious, it works as much as Snack, as a smoothie, as a dessert, and can be added to salted dishes. The watermelons are also full of vitamins and are quite low in calories, which is a great combo, if you think about it. Today we are going to share with you some data about watermelon that probably do not know and maybe this makes you want to eat watermelon more often.

1. Super high water content

The watermelons are 91% water, but they are still sweet and delicious and do not know anything to water. It is a great way to stay hydrated if you are not one of those people who can only drink 8 glasses of water. Now you have no excuse, just snatch watermelon and keep you hydrated.

2. Low in calories

The watermelons only have 46 calories per cup and, honestly, that is quite low for something as sweet as watermelon. Do you know what this means, right? You can add watermelon to your fruit salads and also to salted salads, you will add flavor and volume without adding a ton of calories. It is a great bootana for those who want to lose weight or lose weight because it will fill you thanks to all the water content but is healthy and tasty.

3. There are many types

There are many types of watermelons. There are with and without seeds, small and huge, pink and even yellow, and all have a slightly different flavor, so do yourself a favor and try all the types of watermelons you have at your disposal. You will never regret that decision, and you may find a new favorite.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Have you heard about lycopene? It is a great and powerful antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables its red color and can benefit the health of your heart and it has even been said that it protects your skin from solar burns and prevents certain types of cancer. Tomatoes are full of lycopene, but watermelon has more than tomatoes.

5. Keep your eyes healthy

The watermelon is full of vitamin A, which as we all know is important for the health of the eyes and the good vision, so eating a cup of watermelon a day can be really beneficial for the health of the eyes. This is especially important for those people who spend a lot of time looking at a screen, so you know, most of us do it.

6. It's good for hair and skin

As watermelon is rich in water, vitamin A and vitamin C, it is great for skin and hair. The water content keeps you hydrated, vitamin A works so that your skin looks young, chubby and flexible and vitamin C will help you make your hair look strong and bright.

7. It is excellent for digestion

Nobody wants to suffer digestive problems, and having a watermelon can be really beneficial for your digestive system. The high water content is good to keep your digestive system running without problems and a little bit of what the watermel is also good for your digestion. Basically, he eats a little watermelon from time to time and your digestion will be in top form.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: watermelon
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