8 Benefits of the powerful ginger

Ginger is undoubtedly one of the healthiest spices we have at our disposal. Below we enlist 8 benefits of the powerful ginger, for which you can not miss in your kitchen.

Ginger is undoubtedly one of the healthiest spices we have at our disposal. So much so, that today is considered a Superiment.

It contains various nutrients and components that provide a variety of benefits to our body: capsaicin, curcumin, salicylate, gingeroles, vitamins and minerals.

Originally from South Asia, ginger was one of the first exported spices of the East, and to date, it is part of a large number of dishes and beverages.

This root can be consumed in many ways: powder, fresh, like oil, and even as juice. It can be added to infusions, desserts or liquefied.

Below we enlist 8 benefits of the powerful ginger, for which you can not miss in your kitchen.

It is ideal for treating nausea

Since ancient times, ginger has been used to combat nausea and dizziness at sea.

Likewise, it is of great help against the morning nausea caused by pregnancy.

Studies carried out with more than 1200 pregnant women, threw that this spice combats the nausea effectively. However, although it is considered harmless, it is advisable to consult first with the doctor.

Combat inflammation

Ginger contains Gingerol, is its main active component, and responsible for most of its virtues. Among them, the anti-inflammatory effect.

In a study conducted with people suffering from osteoarthritis, who took ginger extract suffered less inflammation and pain. Also, it is very useful when applied topically.

By reducing the inflammation of the colon, it is also an ally against cancer thereof.

Decreases the concentration of blood sugar

Although research in this field is recent, the studies that have been carried out demonstrate that ginger has important antidiabetic properties.

Patients who took two grams of ginger a day, rapidly reduced their blood sugar levels.

Reduces menstrual and muscle pains

According to a study conducted with 150 women who took a gram of ginger powder a day, menstrual pains were reduced much more than even with medications such as ibuprofen. A very practical way to take it is in the form of an infusion.

In other studies where subjects took ginger supplements, it was found that reduces muscle aches caused by exercise.

Combat the deterioration of brain functions

Two key factors in aging and deterioration of brain functions are chronic cell inflammation and oxidative stress.

According to research, the antioxidant properties of ginger combat the inflammatory responses of the brain. It has also been proven that the consumption of this spice improves memory and response speed.

Strengthens the immune system

Gingerol reduces infections, by combating the growth of different types of bacteria. It is particularly effective against the bacteria causing periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis.

It is also effective against viruses causing respiratory discomfort. A daily ginger infusion is a good measure to prevent colds in winter.

And in the case of already having a cold, ginger helps recover, due to its diaphoretic effect, which increases sweating, by heating the body and thus decreasing the symptoms, including cough.

Improves blood circulation and cholesterol levels

In different investigations it was found that ginger consumption reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol.

In addition to its magnesium and zinc content, this spice has anticoagulant properties, which is why it is an ideal ally to combat circulation problems that can lead to cardiovascular diseases and other evils, such as the appearance of vatricians.

A study published in the magazineNutrition He found that people who consume ginger regularly present a lower risk of suffering from hypertension and other heart disease.

Improves digestion

The phenolic compounds of ginger decrease the degrows, stimulate the production of bile, reduce the contractions of the stomach and alleviate the irritation of the intestine, which favors a correct digestive process and thus avoids health problems related to a poor absorption of nutrients.

It also has a positive effect on trypsin enzymes and pancreatic lipase, which influence intestinal transit.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: ginger / Health
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