The main trend in 2021 is long hair. 8 homemade recipes for fast hair growth

Let's grow the hair together! The mask for hair growth at home allows you to use the power of nature and turn it into a benefit.

How difficult it is to keep up with trends! Until recently, everyone dared to make the Pixie cut, and next season reveals to us long hair.

Let's grow your hair together! The mask for hair growth at home allows you to use the power of nature and turn it into a benefit. The simplicity and simplicity of the masks allows you to always wear a healthy mane and not pay more. To achieve the desired effect, you have to know the algorithm of use of masks and recipes. In this case, the law of not damaging, but healing.

  1. Burdock oil

Strengthening and hair growth can be achieved with masks with warm tibry oil. You must heat it a little, rub on the scalp, wrap in your head and wash your hair after 30 minutes.

Burdock oil, onion juice, liquid soap and honey. Mix the ingredients 1: 1, apply on the head and let it take 2 hours. But remember that onion juice leaves a specific aroma from which it is difficult to get rid of. To remove the smell, just add lemon juice to the water when lightening your head.

  1. TOIcite de cricino

A tibia mask of ricino oil increases blood circulation and causes cells to work. The oil is applied on the head and covered with a towel for 2-3 hours. After that, wash your hair very well.

  1. M.Ostaza.

Masks with mustard activate blood flow to hair follicles. Because of this accelerates hair growth. But before using mustard, make sure your skin is not irritated and you do not have dry hair or allergies to the mustard components.

To prepare the mask, he adds 1 tablespoon of powdered mustard, sour cream, any oil (burdock, sunflower, olive) and 1 egg yolk. Apply on the head for 15-30 minutes.

  1. Aloe

Cut the sheet of the plant along and squeeze the juice. And this liquid should be rubbed at the root of the hair. At the same time, massage a little so that the juice penetrates the deepest. It also helps regulate blood circulation, which is very important for hair growth. This mask must act for at least two hours. Better yet, apply it overnight, wrapping your head in cellophane and a handkerchief.

  1. Cognac

You will need 2 eggs and a cup of cognac. Beat the ingredients until they are cream and pouring a few drops of olive oil. Apply the finished pasta along all the hair for 1 hour. Next, clarify and dry your hair with a hair dryer.

  1. C.anela

Mix two teaspoons of this seasoning with 4 teaspoons of blue clay. Pour some drops of any essential oil. Apply the mask for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a habitual shampoo, you use every day.

  1. Lemon

To prepare this remedy, it is necessary to squeeze half-onion juice and a lemon juice. Mix these two ingredients and add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and 1 egg yolk. Heat the dough to steam and tibly apply along all the hair. 1 hour will be enough, then rinse with water.

8. Vinegar.

After washing your head with the shampoo, it uses a natural hair conditioner. Rinse the foam with water but then ends up rinking the hair with apple vinegar.

Categories: Beauty
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