8 yoga postures to increase your immunity, flexibility and mood

Yoga in Sanskrit means "Unity", be one with your spirit, mind and body. That is why the ancient practice of yoga, which has existed for thousands of years, covers not only physical activities, static positions and breathing exercises to keep our bodies healthy, but also a series of spiritual practices such as meditation and attention.

Yoga in Sanskrit means "Unity", be one with your spirit, mind and body. That is why the ancient practice of yoga, which has existed for thousands of years, covers not only physical activities, static positions and breathing exercises to keep our bodies healthy, but also a series of spiritual practices such as meditation and attention. But if you do not have time for a deep yoga study, do not despair. You can start at home with some easy asanas and see how they work for you. These are 8 yoga poses to increase your immunity, flexibility and mood.

Tadasana (Mountain Posture)

This may seem like a very simple posture, but once it dominates it, aligning all the parts of your body in a straight line, you will discover that somehow feel unnatural. That happens because most of the time we hunched, we sat in strange positions and lack flexibility due to the sedentary work and the lack of movement. This is the basic posture for any asanas you do then and immediately show you if you have a problem with your spine.

VRKSASANA (tree pose)

If you often feel that your mind is unbalanced and you tend to question everything, then vrksana or tree pose should become one of your favorites. You may be experiencing some difficulties when you start, but as you practice more and more, you will accumulate the feeling of stability and your balance will improve much in all aspects of life. It also strengthens your backbone and improves posture.

Matsyasana (pose of fish)

Matsyasana is one of the most rejuvenating poses that strengthen your nucleus, improve the flexibility of the spine, at the same time that it reinforces your immunity. It greatly increases energy levels and helps reduce stress. Open your chest and lungs, releasing any blocked emotion that you can have there. The posture of the fish is a great reinforcement of immunity that will greatly improve your mood if it is done on a regular basis.

Virabhadrasana (Guerrero Pose)

The Virabhadrasana is one of the best poses when it comes to improving your flexibility. Named by a veerabhadra warrior of Hindu mythology, he also creates a sense of power, while improving concentration and approach. It helps to stretch the back, chest, stomach, lungs, and enormously improve resistance in general. It also strengthens your joints and helps you be more stable, both on your feet and inside your mind.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Dhanurasana is a great pose to try when you feel depressed, tense or have some repressed emotions. This asana opens your chest and your heart, allowing you to breathe deeply and easily, doubling the whole body in a beautiful bow. This posture relieves stress and psychological pressure, sending a signal to your mind that it is well relax and that there is no need to lock themselves. It also helps stimulate digestive bodies.

Balasana (child pose)

Balasana is one of the easiest and beneficial yoga poses that even a beginner can do. It is perfect to calm your mind and reduce stress while you feel safe and protected. This asana imitates that you are inside the uterus, so stay in this posture for a long time you can bring great peace to your mind. In addition to its reassuring effect, Balasana will also stretch your abdomen and help eliminate toxins, which is very important for your immunity.

Viparita Karani (pose legs on the wall)

Viparita Karani is the number one pose when it comes to relaxing both the mind and the body. It does not require almost any effort to climb your feet to the wall, and then you just enjoy the incredible effect you have on you. It is a great pose to improve the circulation of blood and greatly stimulate your lymphatic system, which circulates from your feet to your head. It helps eliminate toxins, greatly improve your immunity and calm your nervous system.

Sukhasana (Sitting Pose)

The simple fact of sitting and breathing (or doing pranayama in terms of yoga) can be extremely beneficial for the health of mind, body and soul. Once you finish with your main asanas, simply sit on the Sukhasana posture and do a series of breathing exercises or simply relax and breathe normally. Concentrate on your breathing and feel like all your mind and body relax as you do this. This will calm your nerves, reduce stress and improve attention. Simply stay present at the moment and enjoy the feeling of being simply alive.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: psychology / yoga
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