10 foods that contain much more sugar than you think

Even that tomato soup shopping at the supermarket contains your daily dose of sugar. If you want to seriously reduce sugar, you need to know some tricks.

It is not a secret that sugar is bad for health. I do not talk about the natural sugars that we eat with fruits and honey, that amount is tiny compared to all the sugar we consume with apparently sugar products. You do not have to eat cookies or chocolate bars every day to eat sugar, there are products that contain a lot that are not even sweet! Yes, even the tomato soup you buy at the supermarket contains your daily dose of sugar. If you want to seriously reduce sugar, you need to know some tricks. Here are 10 foods that contain much more sugar than you think.


Companies like to hide the amount of sugar they put on their products, that is why several names are occurred to deceive the consumer. You may be looking for normal sugar, but instead you will see sucrose, carob syrup, fructose, dextrose and other things. You really need to improve your knowledge about chemistry to understand how much sugar is in the product you are buying. The gaseous is a fairly obvious choice, but listen to this: a can of soda contains 29 grams of sugar, that's more of your daily dose! Women are advised to consume 25 grams of sugar per day, while men can consume up to 36 grams.

Yogurt with flavor.

The flavor yogurt can be announced as healthy, but it is rarely like that. Especially those of low fat content, companies put more sugar to compensate for the lack of flavor, causing the flavor yogurt as healthy as an ice cream ball. An 8-ounce yogurt can contain up to 33 grams of sugar, so it is better to read labels carefully. The best option is to buy natural yogurt and add your own fresh fruits and honey.

Agave Syrup.

The agave syrup is usually announced as a healthy sugar substitute, but it is far from being. It is 85% fructose, which comes to the liver and can cause enormous long-term problems. It is more difficult for your body to metabolize fructose than, for example, sucrose, but ultimately, none is better than the other. Even so, it will be a bit easier for your body to metabolize the sugar of cane than that of agave.

Granola bars

Granola bars are not better than candies with your chocolate or yogurt coverage full of sugar. They can also contain brunette sugar, honey, corn syrup and other unhealthy sweeteners. Half a granola cup may seem an innocent sandwich, but it contains about 10 grams of sugar. If you do not feel full enough and eat one more portion, it will become a sugary disaster for your body.

Barbecue sauce

The old barbecue sauce is a real sugar pump, even if you take a small amount. Only a few tablespoons of barbecue sauce contain more sugar than you expected. You can take two tablespoons of this sauce and consume two teaspoons of sugar along with it. Up to 33% of the barbecue sauce is pure sugar! Be careful with your portions and try to make your own sauces when possible.

Sauce for pasta.

All pre-manufactured sauces are full of sugar, but pasta sauce does not seem to be on the list, right? After all, it is not even so sweet! Well, it really contains a lot of sugar, part of it naturally comes from tomatoes, but the rest is added to improve the taste and preserve the product. Half cup of pasta sauce can contain about 12 grams of sugar, so it is better if you make your own sugar-free sauce or look for low levels of sugar in the ingredient list.


The dried fruits look like a very healthy sandwich, but reality is a bit different. Many brands use sugar in their products, so you must be careful with that when you buy dry fruit. But the entire drying process creates concentrated sugar in fruits, which makes a dry fruit contain much more sugar than two or three fresh together. It's easy to eat a lot of sugar without realizing it!

Sport drinks

Sport is healthy, so sports drinks should also be, right? No, that is not the case of most sports drinks that were designed to give the athletes an energy impulse. They are extremely high in sugars and can contain up to 40 grams per bottle. It's much more than your daily dose! Do not stop drinking water while you exercise, it's the only liquid you really need.

Flavor coffee

Well, this may not surprise you, but do you really know how much sugar is in your coffee with flavor? That huge café with hazel's milk or a great cappuccino with vanilla syrup can contain up to 50 grams of sugar in total, and sometimes more! That's around 11 teaspoons of sugar. It really is better to stay with the normal coffee of small and medium portions.

Canned soup

Who could have thought that canned soup can be high in sugar? But it can be a true sugar pump if you do not read the ingredients carefully. Search for other sugar names such as maltose, mater of barley, sucrose, fructose syrup and others. If you see that many of them are mentioned with small amounts, the product probably contains too much sugar. Find sugar that is low in the list of ingredients.

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