9 reasons why bad men are like junk food

Bad men are exactly the same as junk food, if you think about it. At first, they look as tempting and valuable and you are through the clouds while you eat, but once you have tried them, the consequences are terrible. And the bed men leave you with much more than a stomach pain. Here is why unhealthy food and men are very similar to each other.

Bad men are exactly the same as junk food, if you think about it. At first, they look as tempting and valuable and you are through the clouds while you eat, but once you have tried them, the consequences are terrible. And the bed men leave you with much more than a stomach pain. Here is why unhealthy food and men are very similar to each other.

1. Both television

Everything begins with television and false representations in advertisements and programs. The hamburgers with cheese, like men, are made to look so beautiful and sensitive on television, with all the features we want in a meal / man. An episode of Gossip Girl or Vampire Diaries makes you see the worst men and you do not care how they bother you, because, well, look at those abdominals. If you stop focusing on appearances and in a unrealistic facade, you may come out a good one.

2. Euphoria is great, but the fall is not

Salt and sugar are the main ingredients of junk food that we all love. These, together with monosodium glutamate, make these foods super addictive. But we all know that they are toxic. Even so, it seems that we can not leave those french potatoes until the whole bag is finished, although we know that they are going to ruin our skin, it will give us heart disease, and finally, it will send us to an emotional roller coaster, as Depresive people. Woman, emotion is not worth it!

3. Then, it's the fault

After you go crazy with a McDonald's bag, you start to feel remorse for your actions. Your energy is exhausted, you know that the weight of water will be by the clouds the next day, but still you could not resist. As a guy with bad vibrations, bad food choices are not fabulous for your trust in yourself or for your mental health, and should not be part of your long-term plan.

4. Both get sick

The wrong man, and the indulgence of wrong junk food, can make you sick physically, we all know those nausea. All those conservatives and economic ingredients are not good for your body. A man will also make you sick, he will make you depress you, be anxious, discouraged, and even physically ill. The solution to feel better is to start wearing a healthier lifestyle. Less disgusting men, and less disgusting food. It sounds good for us.

5. Always opt for top quality instead of low quality

You deserve a first first steak, not a hamburger with frozen cheese. Choosing a bad man, like choosing a bad quality meat hamburger, is not a good investment of your time, energy or money. Even if he provides financially, are you emotionally satisfied? You do not allow yourself to be well with a cheap imitation, you deserve a deal of the best.

6. The same type of poison

Some bad guys are disguised as good types. It takes a while to refine your radar to avoid drama and sketches, but once you do it, and start trusting your instincts, life will be much better. Why look for as much validation when you are already incredible on your account? Downloading too much Standards can make you change between different types of bad men, which makes you think you're growing when you're not. A fish and chicken hamburger is as bad as a quarter of a pound, so it holds and lets your hunger increase instead of constantly changing bad options.

7. Be strong is an election

The strength of will is something that we all have, but sometimes it is difficult to promulgate. Many of us eat emotionally to comfort us when we feel bad with ourselves, and the same happens with appointments. When we do not feel good, we tend to take bad decisions, romantic and related to food. But just as you can leave the habit of the Hot Dogs, you can leave the habit of toxic men. If you are in a spiral, remember that you are independent and you do not fear any man.

8. Compulsive quotes and binge are not so different ..

When you have had too many bad appointments, it is like eating too much junk food. You know that the results are going to be horrible, but you can not stop even though you know very well that there is a derailed train that is directed towards you. A bad hamburger, and soon you will have eaten all the menu. An adventure with a bad guy and soon you will spend every night with a different energy vampire. Reduce speed and save that energy for a man who deserves it, even on casual scenarios.

9. Both make you feel fatigue

Men and low quality food have something in common, insurance both exhaust you. Scrap food causes chronic fatigue to the point that it can become difficult to complete daily tasks. The same happens with a man who is the worst. Although it is not worth it, he will be in your mind all day, asking questions like: Why did not he answer you? Why do I evade me? Why are we always breaking and making peace? Instead, he continues with a healthy mix of nuts, and a guy who really knows how to respect women.

Categories: Relations
Tags: love
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