11 ways to get him go shopping with you

Most of the time when you go shopping, you go alone or with your friends. You could see the father or the boyfriend lost sitting outside the waiting room, checking his phone and waiting for the calvary to finish. However, no matter how little they have in common when it comes to shopping, there are certain ways to create a harmony of purchases between you and your man.

Most of the time when you go shopping, you go alone or with your friends. You could see the father or the boyfriend lost sitting outside the waiting room, checking his phone and waiting for the calvary to finish. However, no matter how little they have in common when it comes to going shopping, there are certain ways to create a harmony of purchases between you and your man

1. Take it to stores that have a masculine section

You will not know what to do with yourself in a women's clothing store, and you will probably end up as one of those boyfriends or depressed husbands sitting outside and counting the minutes. If there is a men's area to buy, the two can take a little space, and he will stop complaining.

2. Keep in stores that do not bother you

Do not take it to any store that in fact know that you hate. It can be an perfumery where the smell brings you up, or you may not like hollister by the male chiseled and shirtless models that make you rethink your self-esteem. Either way, be considered.

3. Do it competitive

It is not a secret: the guys love the challenges. Make some cute bets with your man when you take shopping. It can cost five dollars that you do not choose a better suit than you chosen. He can even ask for help from the girls from the store and the customers, so that the decisions of purchase are easier for you.

4. Give it a list of items

There is no rule that says you have to sit and wait for you to choose the definitive dress to go out to eat with the girls. You can always ask you to look for the specific items you are looking for, the basics you need, or if you are in a shopping center, other shopping tasks you need to do. He does homework, you go shopping!

5. Avoid overwhelmed areas with people

Especially during parties, going to stores can be extremely stressful, and most men already feel claustrophobic in a shopping context. Try choosing stores that are a little less agitated to buy. If you have a day off between week, it will be much less full than the weekend. Otherwise, consider going a little earlier in the morning to avoid a hurry.

6. Dale eating in advance

There is nothing worse than a hungry guy. This may seem obvious, but while you are in your second candy macchiato and revised forever 21, your boy only thinks about the next time he can devour a burrito. Make sure where you buy there is a food corridor, or consider a meal before the game with one of the favorite meats of it to maintain that energy.

7. Do not choose stores in which it is uncomfortable to be

No boy wants to be uncomfortable around underwear tables for women while his girlfriend chooses the perfect thong. Hypothetically, helping your girl choose underwear should be a sensual experience, when there are a lot of other women and sellers around you, can make a man feel quite self-conscious and feel he wants to get out as soon as it is possible. Save the intimate purchases for another time.

8. Buy for him

The guys hate shopping, you love going shopping ... here in any way you win! If he needs new things in his closet, you can offer you to choose his clothes, or if he prefers to choose it, he sees somewhere like H & M that offers male and female areas.

9. Let him choose your clothes

Alternatively, you can let you choose the clothes! Do it a game and choose the other's clothes if they want. The next date of appointment, both will be extremely handsome, and can attribute it to that cute shopping quote they had recently.

10. Preparation is the key

It is funny how to prepare a boyfriend or husband to go shopping is quite similar for when you take a child. Preparation is the key when it comes to activities and appetizers. Make sure you have a magazine at hand that you like, and that your phone is fully charged so you can play and navigate for Instagram publications. Hold sandwiches and energy drinks to avoid possible problems.

11. Organize

When you take someone shopping, communication is important, but it is also the organization. Make a shopping list so you are not wandering for hours. For you, it's like a child in a candy store, but for him, he feels like a prison sentence.

Categories: Relations
Tags: purchases
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