6 reasons to remain friends after a break

When it comes to ruptures, there are two types of people. Some treat their EX as enemies or pretend that they do not exist, while others choose to remain friends and continue to be civilized with them. There are many reasons for any of the two options. Sometimes the break is messy and just horrible and you do not want to see that person again, sometimes the reason for the break is simply unforgivable, sometimes you feel really hurt and makes sense you want to avoid that person from now on.

When it comes to ruptures, there are two types of people. They somehow to their EX as enemies or pretend that they do not exist, while others may remain friends and continue to be civilized with them. There are many reasons for any of Lapos Options. Sometimes the rupture is based and simply horrible and you do not want to see that person again, sometimes the reason for the break is simply unforgivable, sometimes you feel injured and makes sense that you want to avoid that person from now inhabitant. All that makes sense. But the ruptures are not always disordered and it's not always because someone has spoiled her, sometimes they're just sad because it's like two simple people who stop loving yourself. And we believe that it is perfectly well, friends of that person later. Idee, these are some reasons to remain friends after a jover.

1. Your friendship is more strong that romance

There are times when they start as friends and then become more than that. And many people think that the only way is to move forward as if they could not be friends again. But that just is not true. Maybe they tried it and it did not work, perhaps they are better as friends. They should not lose that person just because it turned out that they were not very well together in a romantic sense. His friendship could be stronger than his romance.

2. Live together

So if they have been together for a while, they might have moved together. But what happens after they break? Is it expected that one of you will move immediately and start your life again? Who can find a place to live so quickly? If your break was mutual and there is no bad blood between you, keeping being friends is a good option because it is most likely that you have to continue living together for a while until you solve your life situation.

3. Have children?

Breaking when you have children together can be difficult. Many couples postpone for the good of children and because they do not want to separate the family. But it is perfectly well to break even if they have children together. Both deserve to be with someone they love. But it also makes sense to remain a friend of your EX to be able to keep raising the children together and that they can see their parents when they want and do not feel that it is rare.

4. Work together

Maybe they worked for the same company and they like their work. They know that they are going to see at work, there is no need to do it uncomfortable and fear being in the hallways. Continue being friends and being civilized with each other can be the best they can do so that their work works without problems, but still can choose not to look after the day of work and take separate paths.

5. They have souvenirs more good bad

Some relationships follow their course in a couple of years and vanish. You no longer feel like when you started out, you may begin to be upset with the person and all the peculiarities of him become the vices of him now. But if you have more good memories than bad with them, if you can still remember the good times with a smile on your face, it is probably a good idea to remain friends. You have shared a life for a while, and it was good while it lasted, why would you leave them now?

6. You just want it to be

And finally, the simplest reason but possibly the most important thing to remain friends of your ex is because both want me to be. You do not need to enter the why and why, you do not need to make a list of pros and cons. If you both feel that you just want to remain friends, you should do it that way.

Categories: Relations
Tags: love
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