7 data you did not know about feminism

Feminism has been existed for quite some time, connecting women from all over the world and inspiring beautiful changes in society. Feminism is about respecting the individuality of all human beings and not having double morality when judging a person. Here are 7 data you did not know about feminism.

Feminism has been existed for quite some time, connecting women from all over the world and inspiring beautiful changes in society. Yes, feminism can sometimes take radical forms, and yes, it's not always nice, but there's one thing we know with certainty: it works! If you fight against gender inequality and sexism enough, there will be results. And we are not talking only about women, but from other genres too! Feminism could have received a bad reputation for the last decade, but only because sometimes they strive too much and worry too much. But now you must understand that feminism is about respecting the individuality of all human beings and there is no double morality when judging a person. Here are 7 data you did not know about feminism.

Many people think that feminism is a movement of superiority that wants women to dominate the planet, but that is not true. Feminists want a better life and equal rights for all: men, women, homosexuals, trans, changing gender and all those who are in between.

Not all feminists are women: Some men also call themselves feminists! There are many male celebrities who believe in feminism and what it represents. For example, John Legend said that everyone would live a happier life if society had more empowered women. Among other male feminists are: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mark Ruffalo, John Hamm, Chris Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch.

Feminism is changing the way we perceive femininity. It is not only shaved legs, smooth armpits and a layer of makeup. Men can also be feminine! Because femininity is about vulnerability, opening, emotions and self-esteem. It is about being in tune with your inner self. It is about freedom of expression and recognizing that you are special, complex and fascinating. It is about overcoming fears and being who you want to be.

Feminism has to do with compassion because when one has suffered any injustice, he or she becomes more sensitive about the same injustice that is made to another person. Feminism asks to pay attention to what is happening around you and in society, and listen to women's stories. Ask yourself to be active and help if you can help, or just listen and do not judge.

More and more women flood the fields dominated by men, such as medicine and computer science. In 2010, 30% of doctors and surgeons were women, compared to 1970, when only 10% of women worked in the field. The number of women judges and lawyers has increased to 35% and there are three women in the Supreme Court of E.U.A.

It is too early to talk about salary equality, but if we take the year 1963, full-time women's profits were no more than 60% of men, while in 2011 the number was 77%. The situation is gradually improving!

While in the United States increasingly women receive education compared to previous years, there are still more than 62 million girls in the world who are denied education. The former First Lady, Michelle Obama, was the one who caught the attention on this topic with his Let Girls Learn program [let girls learn].

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