8 foods that are excellent for your skin

The foods that we ingest play a preponderant role, as they contain vitamins, minerals and other substances that nourish our skin, providing firmness, elasticity and luminosity. Therefore, if we carry a diet high in processed foods and junk food, our epidermis will also reflect it. In this article we provide you with a list of key food that should not be missing in your diet.

One of the key factors to be healthy and see us is undoubtedly the quality of our skin, and that quality depends on the care that we provide from youth. Although it is true that genes are an indisputable factor, fortunately, it is mainly in our hands to get our face to remain Lozano and radiant.

To achieve this, it is necessary that you give comprehensive attention, which implies both external treatments (serums, creams or sunscreen), as internal.

The foods that we ingest play a preponderant role, as they contain vitamins, minerals and other substances that nourish our skin, providing firmness, elasticity and luminosity. Therefore, if we carry a diet high in processed foods and junk food, our epidermis will also reflect it.

In this article we provide you with a list of key food that should not be missing in your diet.

Fatty fish
Omega 3 fatty acid containing fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, helps the body generate anti-inflammatory components that maintain the smooth and moisturized skin. They are also a source of high quality protein, an essential macronutrient for the construction of muscles and tissues, providing firmness.

The avocado is one of the best allies in the care of our skin, since its high content of omega 9 fatty acids (better known as oleic acid) favors the smoothness and moisturization of the epidermis, regenerates the cells and repairs the cutaneous damage .

It also contains antioxidants, which in addition to combating inflammation, increase the density and thickness of the skin, improving their tonicity and appearance.

Colorful fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain large concentrations of antioxidants, which are responsible for combating free radicals that cause cell damage and aging.

It is important that they are from different colors, because each color provides different vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, which is a precursor of collagen, a protein that forms the structure to the skin, keeping it strong.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds contain protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant), vitamin C and zinc, a mineral involved in the operation of the sebaceous glands and in the repair of the skin cells. In this group, nuts, peanuts, almonds, and seeds such as Chia, Ajonjolí, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are included in this group.

Broccoli is high and vitamin C and betaCarothenes, precursors of vitamin A, which help curb the premature aging of the epidermis, potentiate the antioxidant function of other vitamins and protect the collagen of external aggressions, such as pollution or sunlight.

Likewise, this vegetable contains sulforaphane, an antioxidant that helps regenerate the tissues, and which is more powerful than vitamins C, E and A.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is a great food with anti-aging effect. Cocoa is one of the highest foods in antioxidants, thanks to flavonols, which are responsible for protecting the skin from damage caused by sunlight and free radicals that cause premature aging.

Chocolate also contains minerals such as magnesium, copper, potassium and iron, which also nourish the skin.

Whole grains
Whole grains are mainly known for their contribution of fiber, which helps eliminate toxins, which makes the skin less prone to acne outbreaks.

However, one of the greatest benefits of grains is its contents of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and zinc, nutrients that protect the skin of free radicals and repair cellular damage. The selenium on the other hand, favors the elasticity of the epidermis.

This food of animal origin contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals that benefit the epidermis. Egg whites are high in protein, which strengthens the skin and combat excess fat, while yolks provide vitamin A, which participates in the development of new cells, and lutein, which protects the sun's skin, as well as Vitamins B, D and E.

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