Guys reveal the 12 things they do if they are not interested in you

Are you in love with a neighbor, co-worker or classmate? In an ideal world, he would be so interested in you as you in him. But unfortunately we live in the real world, which means that feelings are not always mutual. We asked a group of guys about how they behave when they are simply not interested in someone and these were just some of their answers.

Are you in love with a neighbor, co-worker or classmate? In an ideal world, he would be so interested in you as you in him. But unfortunately we live in the real world, which means that feelings are not always mutual. We asked a group of guys about how they behave when they are simply not interested in someone and these were just some of their answers.

1. It is never available to see you
You die for taking a coffee in the afternoon with him, but he already has plans. You ask him if he wants to take a cocktail at night, but he already has plans. You want to know if he would be interested in a walk in the morning, but he already ... well, you already understood the point. Or at least you should. If a man is literally never available to meet you, he probably talks less about him and more about his lack of interest in you.

2. Ask for relationship advice ... about other girls
He really wants to make the relationship work. Very sweet, right? I'm sorry, this did not mean you two. There is a girl who likes him and that he hoped that maybe you could help him catch his heart. He can very well respect you, but he definitely does not see you as something more than friendship material.

3. Never take the initiative to call you
You call it regularly to chat, but you realize that he never changes. Let's be honest: If a boy is interested in you, you will never find yourself in one of those unidirectional communication situations. Even if he is more or less happy to receive your call, a guy who never takes the time to call him first is not looking for a relationship.

4. Does not show any interest in your daily life
He is friendly, but he is never curious about what you have been doing. He does not interest your hobbies, with whom you get together, or if he has brothers. It certainly does not matter if you are in a relationship.

5. It does not make any effort to impress you
When a man really likes you, he will do everything possible to make him pleased you. It could be by means of the style of dressing it, the perfume that he has been, or the incredible and encyclopedic knowledge of him on topics that are of interest to you. But if he dresses neglected or otherwise he does nothing to positively establish himself to highlight of your other possible suitors, to begin with, it means that he does not consider you a potential suitor

6. Ignore your invitations for events / parties
You have a birthday party and send you a text asking if he wants to go to clubs with you and with your friends. He, or ignores your message or waits until your birthday is over to "apologize" for not responding before. If he is willing to do this, he does not aspire to be your boyfriend. (But being perfectly sincere, would you want to go out with a kind like that?)

7. Never laugh at your jokes
You could take care of your ingenious sense of humor, but for some reason he is not understanding you. If he never seems to find any fun in your jokes or funny stories, there is a good chance that he is preventing the creation of any kind of link with you. The lack of an emotional connection means that he does not want to go out with you.

8. Forget the conversations you have had
You told him how fun you were at the Maroon concert 5 the night before and he says, "Oh, did you go to the concert of him? That's very good. "And you're like," mmmm ... this I had already told you. If he constantly forgets things that have spoken - especially things that are important to you - he does not see you in him's romance plans.

9. Act annoying if you ask for something borrowed
A guy who secretly wants to be with you would be willing to cut her hands to win your affection. This includes helping you and even lend you things. But if you borrow something and he responds with annoyance or impatiently asks when you intend to return it, he clearly does not see you as the dream girl of him.

10. Avoid showing physical affection
It is obvious that a guy who is interested in a girl is going to flirt with her. This could involve touching her on her arm or give her a long and affectionate hug by greeting her. If he is keeping him distance from him not to show any kind of affection, you may be sure he is not interested.

11. You never bought you anything (or give you foolish gifts in the best cases)
A guy who is trying to attract a girl could buy something like a t-shirt or maybe a pleasant sun lotion. If you do not buy you anything or get something useless, you do not see you as someone with whom to leave.

12. React to your achievements with indifference
Did you end the semester with an average of 10? Did you get to enter the dance group? Did you meet a job interview satisfactorily? If you have achieved something and it does not seem to care, you can be sure that he is not the guy for you.

Categories: Relations
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