7 Myths about cellulite

Cellulite, that horrible enemy that invades our thighs and glutes, and that we would like to eliminate at any price. It is a problem that is in the mouth of all and therefore, there is a lot of contradictory information about what it is, which causes it, and above all, about how to fight it. Here we will resolve your doubts once and for all, and we will collapse the main ones Myths that exist around this condition.

Cellulite, that horrible enemy that invades our thighs and glutes, and that we would like to eliminate at any price.
The truth is that it is a very common evil. In the United States, between 80 and 98% of women present some degree of cellulite.
It is a problem that is in the mouth of all and therefore, there is a lot of contradictory information about what it is, what causes it, and above all, about how to combat it.

Here we will resolve your doubts once and for all, and we collapse the main myths that exist around this condition.

1. Cellulite is just an excess fat
Body fat is definitely a key factor in cellulite as bulging fat cells are part of the problem, however, it is not the cause, since they are the connective fibers that are located between muscle and skin that look that aspect irregular of "orange peel".
The collagen fibers that bind fat with the skin, when stretching or breaking, make the adipocytes visible.

2. Men do not have cellulite
Although it is true that it is a problem that mainly affects women, it is known that around 10% of men are also suffering from it.
There are few men who have cellulite because their body is different, since their muscle fibers are more parallel to the surface of the skin, while those of women are perpendicular, which makes fat deposits more visible in the Women than in men (except for exceptions).

3. If low weight cellulite will disappear
The weight is not the problem, it is fat and how it is made visible due to connective fibers. If you decrease fat, you will decrease the appearance of cellulite. The problem is that many people focus only on losing weight, with extreme diets that the only thing they cause is that you lose liquids and muscle, which instead of eliminating cellulite, makes it more evident.

4. Doing exercises in specific spaces will eliminate cellulite
Exercise is essential to reduce cellulite, but it is necessary to clarify that it is impossible to burn fat located in specific places. The body burns fat throughout the body, you can not choose. If you do exercises in certain areas, you will strengthen that muscle, and that is good, but it will not burn fat.
To burn fat you need a deficiency of calories (burn more calories than you get from food) and for that you must do cardiovascular exercise as well.

5. Cellulite only suffer from adult women
It is true that with the passage of time and lifestyle in our society, we tend to take increasingly sedentary lives, and poor diet, which contributes to we lose muscle mass and increase fat deposits, thus worsening cellulite .
That is, adult women tend to have greater body fat than adolescents. However, if a very young woman has overweight or obesity, or she has very bad eating habits, she is very likely that she also has cellulite, despite her young age.

6. Reducing and massage creams Remove cellulite
We regret disappointing you, but it is not like that. Creams can improve the texture on the surface of the skin, and massages help you drain liquids (which you will then recover) but cellulite will continue there, as long as the fat is there.
Actually, there is no reliable evidence that these treatments reduce or decrease cellulite. And liposuction is also a bad idea. By eliminating deep grease, you can even worsen the appearance of cellulite.

7. A healthy diet will eliminate the problem
It is not like this. Of course a healthy diet will help you accumulate less body fat, but if you do not exercise to reduce your percentage, you will not see significant changes. The treatment is integral. The diet alone is not enough; You need strength exercises to increase muscle mass, and cardiovascular to burn fat, as well as take a lot of water.
In order not to have cellulite you need to have a maximum percentage of 17% body fat. The closer you are from that 17%, the less cellulite you will have.

Categories: Beauty
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