13 huge things that move away from men that women do not know anything

Here are some of the things that women present to increase men, without even knowing it.

You would not like to go out with someone without a sense of humor, right? Appearance, Clothing, Force - Everything is important, but a good sense of humor will always be more important than these superficial qualities. Humor is what remains forever, while appearance vanishes. But why humor? Well, it seems like a person with a good sense of humor knows when to say a joke and when to act seriously. They also know when to say a funny phrase and when to add more to a story to a joke to make it funny. The most important part to avoid converting positive qualities into things that scare away others, is to know when to stop. Here are some of the things that women present to increase men, without even knowing it.

1. Being too much
Acting as a child is very tender. Putting nicknames of love is very tender, talking as a baby can sometimes be tender, and talking as babies seems to be something that everyone speaks in recent weeks. However, there is a moment and place for everything. If you go beyond normal with your child's child's behavior, you can quickly go from being tender to be incredibly annoying. Sometimes, situations call for a more serious attitude, and child behavior will only make a situation worse instead of neutralizing.

2. Be clumsy
Like the previous paragraph, being clumsy converts socialize to be a babysitter. It is always good when people have handkerchiefs and napkins when you need you, but there is a difference between you need them from time to time and thus make each exit as a movie of spies, with everything and bags full of wet handkerchiefs, dried napkins, remover of spots, and curitas (in case of cut). And all this does not even begin to cover the second-hand shame of being around a clumsy person.

3. Do not make decisions
Sometimes you just have to take control of the situation and be assertive about what you want. This is for everything - from the simplest decisions (like what to dine) to the big ones (such as deciding between a small meeting wedding or one at some destination). Very often, people fall into the habit of avoiding making decisions. We understand. There is a pressure so as not to make mistakes, the pressure to choose something that your partner will not enjoy, and many more. However, from time to time it is important to make daring and safely decisions. If everything else fails, nobody never said the not being able to have a pizza for dinner!

4. Chismear
Like everything else, there is a limit for both gossip a person can hear before starting to doubt the integrity and reliability of a gossip. Of course, it is always interesting to know what is happening behind the scenes with some friends and colleagues at work, but there is a difference between "saying things" and become a human equivalent a television gossip program.

5. Cleaning and hygiene
Do we have to bother us to mention this? Nobody wants to live in a laboratory environment and devote many hours of each day to cleaning it, but nobody does not want to live in chaos either. Of course, having a relaxed night, ordering food home, seeing a bit of Netflix, and then going to sleep is a great time. However, it is equally important to take a bit of the day time to get the boxes, shake the table, sweep the floor, clean the dishes, take a bath and put on a mask.

6. Dominant
Although most men behave as if they wanted their girlfriends to be their mothers, they do not want a dominant girlfriend. Of course, too many man legitimately can not even surpass their lives alone, but at a certain point, the pressure of a dominant girlfriend will tan, and care and attention will be seen as a dominant behavior.

7. Get the stupid
Nobody is perfect at all. Even cerebritic scientists have problems with some basic questions ... sometimes. Sherlock Holmes did not know anything about the solar system. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The problems come when people become silly about to make people in their surroundings feel better. No one benefits from this. One thing is to ask for a tip, reminders, or clarify something, and another thing is completely different from pretending to be silly to receive sympathy and attention.

8. Fake interest
Communication takes a lot of work. It is easy to find things about what to talk about during the "honeymoon period" of a relationship, but it is much more difficult to encourage debates and genuine discussions later. Sometimes, the simplest option seems to be disguised to be interested in what your partner is saying, but that quickly can be notable and only makes the problem. The only thing that is worse than saying explicitly that you do not care, is pretending that you do care - it is embarrassing and discouraged at the same time. Communication takes effort, but not this type of effort.

9. Act in any way less as themselves
Speaking of "getting the fool" and being too "childish", acting as anything but as yourself is a relationship is definitely something that discourages. I am sure that all of us enjoyed acting to a certain extent, but it is best to leave your skills to act in your room. If you want a real relationship, you will have to be real with your partner.

10. Do not respect time
Balancing work, personal pastimes, and personal health, already it is difficult. Add to another person to the equation causes things even more difficult. It is important to remember this about yourself and your partner. Obviously, this works on both senses - do not allow them to lack respect the time you need to take care of yourself, but also take into account your needs and do not introduce yourself in your "personal times" just because you want attention.

11. Feel with right
As my grandfather used to say, "The only thing I have to do is pay taxes and die." Since that is somehow something morbid of seeing life, he had more or less reason. There is nothing about what you have right in a relationship - not your time totally with him, not the friends of him, his money, the mascot of him, or the belongings of him. One thing is to clearly communicate the needs of it in an assertive way, and it is a very different thing to act as if you had the right.

12. Emotional manipulation
Emotional manipulation is never good. Since it is much more common for women to receive emotional manipulation, it is important to pay attention to things and warning signs about this type of behavior. Make sure whenever fault is not a factor that drives to manipulate anyone.

13. Communication problems
Good communication is a solid foundation for any relationship. This means that both parties have to be good listening, and they need to have the ability to communicate their own needs and want good for their partner. Here, good listening skills are more important - for both parties of the couple. Having the ability to remove useful information about your partner separately from your emotions, will help you significantly which you understand the root of the problem. Never recognize that your partner has feelings and needs that could be different from yours, they will definitely remove and discourage them.

Categories: Relations
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