10 beautiful celebrities that were once very ugly calls for Hollywood

Just to emphasize the ridiculous of Hollywood standards - take a look at this list of beautiful celebrities that were once "very ugly" for Hollywood at the beginning of his career. Thank God they did not take it seriously and persevered.

Hollywood is full of beautiful people. All the famous actors and actresses we know are so perfect that they are almost super human. It is as if they were a step up from us, mortal humans and we can never achieve their level of beauty and elegance. But do you know why this is the case? Because Hollywood has very high standards, I could say even difficult when it comes to image. If you think the situation is bad now, think as it was 50-60 years ago, when all the actors and actresses were white.
These days it starts to be better. Color people are playing great roles and people with more or less realistic body shapes also be getting parts in movies. However, these cases are few and spaced. Just to emphasize the ridiculous of Hollywood standards - take a look at this list of beautiful celebrities that were once "very ugly" for Hollywood at the beginning of his career. Thank God they did not take it seriously and persevered.

1. Reese Witherspoon
When she arrived in Hollywood, Reese was constantly told that she was not high enough or beautiful enough at auditions. She could have broken the spirit of someone else, but not that of Reese. She was persistent in her beliefs and would not let comments like that. She did not care about those opinions and she continued until she got success. Almost like the character of her in legally blonde, right?
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2. Kat Dennings
Kat Dennings told her that she was not pretty enough for Hollywood so many times she is ridiculous. Several casting agents told him to get a paper she was going to need to do a lot of work. Kat told her that her teeth needed to be fixed and that she needed a tan because she was very pale for any role. She good looked at her now, she being the Star of 2 Broke Girls and Starizing in Thor 2 and many other movies. She even so pale and beautiful too.
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Most of us know Lea Michele as Glee's Rachael Berry. The role of her that made her famous mega. She is also a very beautiful lady with thousands or millions of fans. However, not everyone thought about it when Lea began her's career. In one of her interviews he said that at the beginning of her career they told her that she was very ugly for papers in Hollywood and that an agent even told her that she should have a nose operation or get out of Hollywood.

4. Meryl Streep.
Can you even imagine that at some point of her career Meryl Streep was called very ugly for Hollywood? I mean, this extraordinary woman has been nominated for an Oscar more than anyone else - nineteen times. And she won three of those. 2 By best actress and one by actress of distribution. Well, in 1975, when she auditioned for King Kong, the producer of the film dared to say "Oh because they brought me to this ugly thing" as a comment about meryl in Italian. I guess he thought meryl was not going to understand. But this amazing woman answered him in Italian perfect "I'm sorry I'm not pretty enough for King Kong."
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5. Kate Winslet
Although you do not believe it, Kate Winslet, an Oscar winning actress, who has been nominated 9 times, was embarrassed as a teenager when she auditioned for papers. She did not get the papers because she was called "very fat". Not only is that very rude, but also, it can be harmful to self-esteem, especially for a teenager. However, Kate continued to deal with and eventually showed everyone the beautiful and talented actress she is her.
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6. Sarah Jessica Parker
You can say what you want from Sarah Jessica Parker, but you can not deny that she is a legendary woman. She is the star of Sex and The City. Generations of women want to be able to be. She not only she is the star of that TV show and then 2 sex and the city films, but in general she is a very successful actress and business woman. However, in 2007 she led the Maxim list of "less sexy women". Not only that, but people constantly tell you that she is not pretty enough, but that has not stopped her on the way to her success and her's fame.
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7. Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer is as talented, beautiful and funny when it comes to sense of humor. She is all we imagine in a perfect girl. It is not a secret that millions of adolescents and women admire it now. She has an attitude of "no nonsense" when it comes to comments about her image. However, when the first hungry game film came out she was basically criticized for being "very fat". Not in those exact words, but they told him that she did not have the right size and she did not look hungry enough for paper.
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8. Lena Dunham
Lena Dunham is very busy enjoying her the success of her and conquering Hollywood to care what they say about her. But we all remember that when Girls came out of her all criticized her and said that the program was unrealistic. All because the male co-stars I chose seemed "very handsome" for her and "someone like Lena could not conquer someone as handsome as them."
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9. Mindy Kaling.
Mindy Kaling is Rockendo Hollywood with her Mindy Project's program. She is a beautiful and fun lady, who is also a talented writer and comedian. It is something ridiculous that there was a time when she offered her about her own program as a writer, but she told her that she had to audition to interpret herself in the program. What is crazier is that she did it, she auditioned and denied her role because she "was not pretty enough" to interpret herself. Seriously Hollywood, what wave?
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10. Winona Ryder.
We know it as the sexual symbol of the nineties. At that time everyone knew that if she wanted to be sexy, you should try to channel Winona Ryder. More than a decade happened since then however Winona looks more beautiful than ever. It is rare even to think that she sometimes told her that she would not be successful in Hollywood because she was not pretty enough, but it is true. With that she had to deal with when she barely started in Hollywood.
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Categories: Entertainment
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