6 lies, you should stop telling you

These lies prevent you from growing and becoming a healthier and happier human being. They are toxic because most of the time, you do not even realize what they are really!

We told lies every day and this is inevitable because lies are one of the many instruments that our Psyche uses to cope with stress. Whether it's a little lie to motivate you to exercise more (I think I'm ever looking thinner) or a greater lie to keep family obligations (the family meeting was not so bad), We must use them from time to time. The lies you have been telling you for years, much more dangerous are the lies, if not decades. These lies prevent you from growing and becoming a healthier and happier human being. They are toxic because most of the time, you do not even realize what they are really! Here are 6 lies, you should stop telling you right now.

"I will become happy after ... '

This type of lie has many variants, but the main idea is that something nice will happen after a certain event, a change or an action. This type of packaging does not allow you to see the truth of the situation in which you are and moves the focus on a better distant future that will surely come. You attach to work that you hate for years, because "I'm going to put money, then I'll go to travel, then I will become happy." Better to ask what prevents you from doing what you like now? Why do not you live a happy life? Do not change the focus on something that will make you happy in the future, see what can make you happy here and now.

"I will start doing exercise tomorrow '

Of course, I do not talk about exercise alone - we tend to postpone positive changes in our lives all the time. Whether it's a healthier diet, going to the gym, going to bed earlier, drinking less alcohol or eating fewer candy - you can start now. No matter the time of the day, it's because the entrance to a healthy lifestyle has no time. Tomorrow will only be different from today if you start making small changes right now. Even if it's just a training plan you want to do tomorrow morning - sit down and write it, watch videos, install applications. Build your motivation, do not simply postpone the changes you want to have in your life.

"I am not worthy of love '

You may not tell you that directly, but this line can always play in your unconscious mind as a broken record. If you are in unhealthy relationships where you will find yourself badly treated, stop and really ask you are worthy of love and happiness? Then go further and see if you really like, madly deeply you like. First of all, you should learn to love you and to be happy with yourself - this is the foundation of any happy relationship, including the one with you. You may need to start from scratch and familiarize yourself with yourself, with your desires, your wishes and your passions. We spend so little quality time with ourselves that we tend to forget who we are and what we really want. Do you like, your life and the world in which you live and that love will come back to you.

"He will change because I love him '

To be in a relationship comes with a lot of responsibilities. If you really like, you can determine most problems. But if you are stuck with an disrespectful person and constantly violates your confidence, simply loving it will not suffice. No matter how you cherish the relationship, no matter how much you love and care of your partner, it will not change unless it wishes. Your pure will is not enough to change people, as if you would not be able to change your behavior or reactions simply because someone told you to do it. Only when you realize why you must change and you really want, the growth process will start.

"My dream is too big, I will not even try '

Dream Big is one of the most important motivators we have in life. Have you ever heard of some inventors of genius, prosperous businessman or a great actor who did not dream? If you can imagine it - then you can do it! That's how things work in life. And if you start to go to this dream of your dream, even with baby steps, it will make your life much more meaningful and enjoyable. Most of the time, it's not even the result, it's the trip that makes it all worth it. Even if you want to go to space, but I can not even imagine how it can happen, why not try to get closer to that? Visit a fresh space event, explore the night sky through a telescope, visit a huge observatory and get aspiration as much as possible. And then, who knows, maybe some changes will come forward? Do not tap your dream because it sounds too unrealistic because it's the only thing that really matters!

'I'm not good enough'

This is one of the most toxic lies that it gives you to do things that make you really happy. When you think you're not smart enough, not beautiful enough, and usually not good enough, you will not even try to do what your heart desires for fear of failure. This cute guy flirts with you? But you think you're not good enough. A cool work opportunity presents itself? But you still afraid you're not good enough. Someone can tell you that at some point, maybe when you were small. These cognitive distortions are located at the bottom of our psyche, but sooner you recognize them, the better. Do not hide behind this sentence and be brave - you are the only one able to change your life and live maximum.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: psychology
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