11 Malsan things Hollywood teaches on love

Hollywood, through Celeb movies and relationships, taught us a myth boat load on love. Here are the most important you need to be aware of the "one" meeting.

It's true - Hollywood is not exactly where you come to get the most sensitive and pragmatic love advice. It is a land of enormous, dramatic and unrealistic expectations. Hollywood, through Celeb movies and relationships, taught us a myth boat load on love. Here are the most important you need to be aware of the "one" meeting.

1. The other person will complete you

"You complete me" looks like a compliment, but it's the fastest way in a disaster with your partner. The love of your life could complete you in big ways, but the other person does not complete you ". You are finished by yourself and the idea you need someone else is not healthy.

2. In search of your prince one day

Sorry ladies - there is no charming prince or brilliant armor knight that will save you from all your problems. In addition, NewsFlash: women do not need to save! We are not helpless ourselves, but younger girls do not know that, and it's a terrible lesson to teach them. Do not wait for the ideal boy to improve your life - be independent and make it better yourself!

3. We all fall for the solitary wolf

Nobody falls in love with an emotionally unavailable man like Hollywood. They are rough around the edges, super remote and need some fixation, that the female enthusiasts. Sorry to break it, but they will not turn into sensitive lovers, they will remain distant and make you feel alone - do not fall for a grumpy!

4. When you fall in love, the relationship is simply falling in place

What a lie! Relationships are hard work and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Living with someone for a year or 50 years can be just as difficult and involves a ton of compromise. The emotional aspect of love can be really difficult and is not always easy.

5. You will never come back from this break, or you will overcome it immediately

Some people in movies are shown overcome an ex just having a beer and a conversation with their friends, and that's all good. The other stereotype is that of the woman who cries herself to sleep every night and can not overcome his ex 10 years, who is now engaged to another woman. Realist, time heals everything, and you will overcome it slowly, but it will always sucker.

6. Stashage means he loves you

In some movies, we see a guy go through a girl's mail, looking protectively looking for texts ... and it's a sign that they are in love with each other? First example: "You have the mail." The crystalline is neither affection nor love. It's dangerous and even a scary red flag that could predict potential future abuses.

7. A relooking is the answer

In the movies, it always seems that the daughter of Loner Goth, when she puts a mini-dress, straightens his hair and removes the glasses, it is magically becoming a queen of the Pageant. But the transformations are not miracles. They can not solve your problems. Find a guy who does not feel you as if you had to go through everything that disguised you and you just blend to feel beautiful.

8. Passionate Break-Ups and passionate makeup

Hollywood romances, whether celebrity or ficitioned, have one thing in common: they are always lit and extinguish and it seems to be a normal thing. It's not. Stability is great, toxic and impulses a behavior focused on the impulse is not. It is correct to enter the fights, then makeup, but the ups and ones constant are not good for anyone.

9. Pretend that you are someone you are not

AsHow to lose a guy in 10 days demonstrates, pretending a person never ends well. If someone falls in love with a different personality, they do not really fall for you - just the idea of ​​you, and it's not very rewarding at the end.

10. Gigantic romantic gestures will always win it

While asking someone to make a great gesture in pleasant public sounds in theory, he can sometimes feel overwhelming and humilizing when the person wants to talk about things of calm or say no. That makes people feel like they have no choice and gestures on top do not mean necessary, it's sorry. Just that he seeks attention.

11. Mr. Right is someone you hate, or your male BFF

In real life, sometimes our best male friends are just that the best platonic friends. Not a soulmate expects to be. And the same goes for your enemy. If you hate a guy, there is a good chance that you can not stop hating and reversing all these feelings by magic. He probably sucks. These fantasies are lovely, but they are not real.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: Hollywood / love
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