Elderly owners of automatic laundromat in Instagram Fashionistas

This senior couple of Taiwan owe laundere and they take over on the internet with their incredible fashion appearance, together with clothes that their customers left behind.

If you always believe you have to spend a lot of money to look cool, fashionable and fashionable - think again. This senior couple of Taiwan owe laundere and they take over on the internet with their incredible fashion appearance, together with clothes that their customers left behind.

It happens so much that sometimes people forget to take their clothes for one reason or another. Sometimes you just forgot and think it's too late to come back because you suppose it has been thrown away, other times you have just passed to a different place. But Hsu Sho-er and Chang Wan Ji put clothes for a long time. Some of the items you will see below remained for more than a decade.

They already have more than 600k followers on Instagram, even if their accountwant to show like young was created only one month ago. It all started when their grandson noticed that they are bored. So he came with a brilliant idea. He just wanted his grandparents to have a little fun and also use old abandoned clothes.

After all, fashion is cyclical and the clothes are there to help you express yourself. This older couple in the 80s is the living proof that you can do anything to appear if you wear it with the right attitude.

It is indeed hard to believe that they are in their 80s because they look so elegant and it's clear images they have a lot with this project. Their grandson manages the account and it often lights the images with the cute of his grandparents when modeling clothes. They really enter the spirit of the photoshoot and start to put with enthusiasm trying to find the best angle and the best outfit.

HSU Sho-er and Chang Wan Ji are properly excited and humiliated by the amount of attention they get and how fast their next increases. They could not have imagined that they become internet sensations and fashion icons in their 1980s.

Even the grandson who started the account did not expect to come. He thought it would be just a fun project for him and his grandparents. He thought that few people would be in this case, but boy was wrong.

This must be one of the fastest growing Instagram accounts we have ever seen and it looks like people around the world find old fashionistas like the most adorable thing they have seen in their lives.

And you know what, we totally agree with this feeling. Taiwanese grandmother and grandfather are fashion icons now and we can only hope that they will continue to serve as a fierce looking for a lot of time to come.

Categories: Fashion
Tags: age / inspiration / Taiwan
By: vince
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