10 best interior plants for your bathroom
All plants can not live in a bathroom, but have the good can make the room more enjoyable and welcoming for users.

All plants can not live in a bathroom, but have the good can make the room more enjoyable and welcoming for users. It takes a certain type of botanical creation to prosper in this level of moisture.
Nevertheless, your bathroom is an amazing environment for many plants and a bathroom filled with plants may want to take a tropical vacation since the comfort of your own home. Here are the most friendly plants in the bathroom (and maintenance) to add to your home as soon as possible, even if you do not have a green thumb.
- Philodendron
This is a coveted plant for all the places of the house, but it will add a particularly rustic and organic look to the bathrooms. These tropical plants can grow with vineyards or leakage rods up to 20 feet long. Others grow more vertically and both are simple to grow. The leaves will drop if it is watered too little or too much. Make sure to place them in a bright area because an excessive shade can make your rods peeled.

2. Bamboo
This sustainable vertical plant will really make your bathroom like a spa. Nevertheless, bamboo is a difficult plant to control in a garden, but it can be grown in containers to avoid this sprawling nature. Nevertheless, they can become great, so it's best in large bathrooms that can get at least 6 hours of sunlight daily, but it can survive in lightweight stockings without plenty of sun.

3. Begonias
Begonias loves heat and moisture. In addition, they look pretty fabulous on a shelf. Rex Begonias are particularly charming, but make sure to avoid total soil full of shower, which can cause root rot. Begonias with flowers do better with a direct direct direct light and early in the morning, what strip alone do the best brilliant light that does not come directly to the sun.

4. Bromeliade
The Broméliades are linked to having pineapples and have a rather striking look. They will grow nicely in the bathrooms with a window and can also tolerate dry dry, if you do not have a green thumb and forget to water them. Nevertheless, they prefer to stay wet, so do not be afraid to spray the bathroom during a shower.

5. Figure FILE
If you want to make a statement in a bathroom that has more space than a bathroom, go with the fig fig sheet, which contains larger leaves and need constant and bright light. They like to live in hot and humid places. The bathroom is perfect.

6. Evergreen Chinese
This plant is one of the lowest maintenance options and the most attractive as you can find. They are with big leaves and survive even if you forget about water and feed you. They also tolerate dry air. This plant can become 10 inches 10 inches at 4 feet high, so be sure to search the variety you want before buying. It grows better with a weak and indirect light, so it's good for bathroom without a window.

7. Chinese silver plant
More specifically, do you know that PEPEROMIOIDES PILA, this plant looking fresh and clean in tropical environments, but you will have a better success of growth in a bright or indirect bathroom. It is sometimes called the UFO plant because of its flat round leaves that look great on the buildings or the edges.

8. Snake plant
If you do not have a ton of horizontal space or do not want a hanging plant, consider the striking snake plant, which pushes up and is hilariously referred to the "mother of the language of the law " It can push 8 inches to 4 feet and flopping sheets can be maintained with a string. Although it reaches the best light, it can tolerate the imperfect conditions. Less light can make your plant less stripey and all green.

9. Spider plant
If you have a compact bathroom, consider investing in a spider plant, which likes to grow in small restricted neighborhoods, like a root ball container. It shapes small seedlings along the edge, which can be cut when the roots are grown. The glossy light is correct, but stay out of the direct sun that will burn it. Fresh (non-cold) temperatures are preferable to warm.

10. Cast iron plant
Nicknamed the cast iron plant because it is so difficult to kill, this low-maintenance immobilized board, otherwise known as Aspidistra Elatior, can reach 3 feet tall and tolerates the full shadow, for toilets without light or window available. This does not require constant high humidity, so you can go ahead and place this plant in an invited bathroom.