16 cleaning and hygiene tips to help keep the Virus Covid-19 from your home

During this complicated time, stay clean is in the mind of all. To keep your home as sanitary as possible and virus, there are vital tips when it comes to cleaning your home and yourself. Install these daily measurements to keep you and the rest of your household as safe as possible.

During this complicated time, stay clean is in the mind of all. To keep your home as sanitary as possible and virus, there are vital tips when it comes to cleaning your home and yourself. Install these daily measurements to keep you and the rest of your household as safe as possible.

1. Mask or no mask, try touching your face as little as possible. We all do this unconsciously, but it's now the time to be so aware of yourself. Do not touch your nose, mouth or eyes, which will help avoid transmission.

2. Launch your used fabrics, masks and gloves in the garbage. The elimination of them in the street or in another irresponsible way is a safe way to broadcast Covid-19 around. Hold them safely in a trash and if you do not have a tissue at your fingertips when you sneeze or cough, make sure to cover if your elbow.

3. Stay at least one meter of people, but two are ideal, six feet, the suggested distance is the suggested distance, especially for those with symptoms such as sneezing or sleeping.

4. We are sure it sounds like a broken record right now, but wash your hands as much as possible. This is the best way to ensure your safety. Soap up frequently (at least once once an hour, especially if from the outside) and carefully for at least 20 seconds.

5. Disinfect your surfaces regularly at home, especially those that you often touch, such as computers, phones, door handles, tables, bathroom surfaces and game controllers.

6. Lysol wipes and other disinfectants are perfect for keeping, and if you prefer to use ecological options, check with theList of the Environmental Protection Agency on the recommended products. Apparently, the cleaner must remain moist for a few minutes to work well.

7. In order to clean the clothes properly and protect your home from potential bacteria, try to wash your clothes when you come home from a public place and change it immediately. Always remove your shoes before entering the house.

8. Make the cloth as much as possible, clean your bedding and your towels regularly. Do not shake your dirty laundry, which can put virus particles in the air. In addition, use lukewarm water when you make your charges.

9. When handling food packaging, take away or do something you bought at the grocery store, try to throw unnecessary packaging in a trash can. With Entrisplication, remove the package of food and put it instead on a clean plate and wash the hand after.

10. Make sure your perishable are in the refrigerator or freezer and keep an eye on the expiration dates. When cooking food, if you generally prefer rare, it could be safer to cook at a recommended temperature rather than your personal preference.

11. If you decide to use a hand disinfectant, avoid all natural alternatives and make sure the product contains a minimum of 60% alcohol. Visible dirt must always be rinsed with water and soap beforehand.

12. To avoid damaging your smartphone, buy exhausted coverage for it and other electronic elements. It's a better investment than having to buy a new phone because the old was damaged by the water, so keep that in mind!

13. A useful analogy to use is to see coronavirus as painting. To damage your clothes, it must be fresh. When he starts to dry out, he stops like harmful. A new offer is the most dangerous and likely to enter the eyes or mouth.

14. Do not reuse disinfectant wipes on more than one surface. It can be tempting, especially since cleaning products are almost impossible to find nowadays in stores. But a waste wipe will only transfer germs on several surfaces, which further increases your risks.

15. Practice social distance as much as possible. This might not seem like a direct cleaning tip, but it's the most hygienic option there. If you encounter people, elbows, but even better, give up these options and waves.

16. Avoid crowds and walk instead of taking public transport. Although the distancing, its inevitable that we will sometimes need to move from point A to point B, as for grocery travel and other essential trips. If you do not have a car, we suggest you walk or cycle as much as possible because public transport is a hub filled with germs.

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