What is UHT milk and what are the benefits?
Pasteurization was the name of the milk game for a long time now. In our modern world, with other advanced health, scientists have understood that if the milk was not sterilized after being extracted from the cow, goat or sheep, toxic bacteria and spores can enter In our body and prove to potentially mortal. Normal drill kills most of these germs, it does not get rid of all. The solution? Meet UHT milk.

Pasteurization was the name of the milk game for a long time now. In our modern world, with other advanced health, scientists have understood that if the milk is not sterilized after being extracted from cow, goat or sheep, toxic bacteria and spores can enter in our body and be potentially fatal. The normal pasteurization kills most of the germs, this does not necessarily get rid of all. The solution? Meet the UHT milk.
UHT or ultra-heated milk has a shelf life of between 6 and 9 months. These are mainly ultra-pasteurized milk created to extend the shelf life of dairy products. Due to its unique composition and its extended shelf life, you really need to refrigerate this type of milk.
Parmalat was the first processor to bring the milk to the masses, but when they came out in the 1990s, people were suspicious that the milk did not need a refrigerator. He simply turned a preference - most people prefer to drink their cold milk. Today, UHT milk lines Our aisles of our grocery and rather than advertising that you do not need to keep it cold, they quietly kept in the refrigerator and kept on normal packaging. Today, most of the milk in the US is UHT.

Here are the best advantages of consumption:
1. The most obvious. It does not need to be refrigerated! Many of us have minimal refrigerator space, and for the last more than 6 months without cold environment is quite impressive. There is nothing worse than hoping to wake up in a bowl of cereal only to find the angled dairy. Goodbye spoiled milk!
2. Outside the United States, UHT milk completely dominates China. Moreover, in Europe, this has been the norm for years - they just laugh if people show a reluctance to Uht milk because it's the norm. They are always ahead of the curve. This statistic is important.

3. One of the big reasons that milk drinkers in China rose to UHT is because of the scandal in Chinese milk in 2008. In computing, formula milk and infant, and other products dairy, were infused with melamine, a deadly industrial compound that eventually cause health problems and infant and child health throughout China.
4. The enemies will say that the treatment of UHT damaging enzymes in milk, but the CDC and other health sources clearly indicate that the enzymes found originally in raw milk does not do much for human health, we do not lack exactly.
5. The packaging, storage and transportation are all more profitable than non-UHT milk. Without the need for refrigeration after production, delivery, or the arrival of the store (and possibly your home), the cost savings are staggering. Whatever country you are in, it helps if a government and its individual saves money.

6. UHT milk containers are often larger than their competitors, which helps to go very far, especially when you consider his long life.
7. The product is higher quality because of valves D and Z UHT milk. It is processed in less time due to the high temperature, which leads to a beneficial and tasty product.

8. Fresh milk or raw, contains more harmful microorganisms that UHT has no risk. Bad bacteria, leave us alone! Based on the melamine scandal just over a decade ago a decade, is not worth it not the peace of mind that you and your family okay?
9. The calcium, potassium and magnesium in milk are not reduced in creating or UHT long-life milk. We all seek to enter these daily vitamins without risking our health, so this is an added bonus.

10. The UHT milk is usually slightly sweeter than its milky cousins and also whiter. These factors can make it more attractive for drinking and personally, we like a little natural sweetness in milk. So most children, which allows you to feed your children their daily nutrients without a fight.
11. For those who are still on the fence, organic UHT milk is probably the safest option on the market. It is bad of pesticides, growth hormones and heavy metals. In addition, because it is organic, it comes from five very healthy cows on flourishing farms without the use of pesticides. With a new scandal of food every day, it could be your best bet.

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