We all know Maisie Williams the best of his Arya representation in Thrones' Hit Show game. But considering that she was only 12 when she landed the role and show continued for almost a decade - we watch her without hesitation on the screen. She has also changed and grows up with a tiny 12 year old in a teenager then in a gorgeous and confident woman.

We all know Maisie Williams the best of his Arya representation in Thrones' Hit Show game. But considering that she was only 12 when she landed the role and show continued for almost a decade - we watch her without hesitation on the screen. She has also changed and grows up with a tiny 12 year old in a teenager then in a gorgeous and confident woman. She also crossed a style transformation quite, after developing her own sense of fashion and style. Let's talk about the magnificent transformation of Maison Williams.

1. The first days on TheSet of Get were very exciting for Maisie. Did you know she did not even take the theory for the show seriously at the beginning? She has just causing her to her friend too. She was far too busy thinking about not having an Innanating McPhee role to worry about receiving hearing auditions.

2. But morecallows, she had the most excited. His first hearing in London was then that she probably knew she wanted to play Arya and that she should be her role. Sharaally sank his teeth into the character and what do you know? She had it.

3. From the first day, she found a friend of life to the whole life. Maisonie and Sophie Turner just heard so well it was clear that they are going to be bffs. And as we know, they remain super close friends to date.

4. The first red and first rugs for Maisie had to be difficult. She was about 14 years old and at that time, most teenagers should only think about what to wear at a school dance, not a red carpet where photographers will take pictures of you and the world will see. There were many tests and errors with more controversial short dresses and appropriate outfits.

5. It seems that Maisonie was on mission to meet. She tried short dresses with V and the longest with a necklace.

6. She gave cute chic dresses to first. We all thought she really looked beautiful in these. So polite, so professional, so beautiful and mature for his age and pretty face and cute.

7. While his personal style evolved a Maisonie gave long female dresses a chance on the red carpet too.

8. It is here that we start to see the watches of Maisie start going out and show in his sense of fashion.

9. Its red carpet started having sought more unique and unusual, we love the details and accessories that really posed its style here.

10. Maisonie was not afraid to venture into the world of fashion and pioneering new stylish eyes. Both for photoshoots and in real life. She is still in place for experiences.

11. Class, inspired by vintage and a little gothic looks very well. This hairstyle and a dark lip are definitely agree with its complexion.

12. As she worked on butie got had to keep her natural hair. Arya can not just rock pink hair. But once shooting is wrapped butie started experimenting with bright hair colors.

13. His style has also started changing and becoming unique only to Maisie, it seems that she finally focuses on her own look.

14. We loved the days with the purple hair of Maisonie. We thought that the color really convinced her and she looked like it so happy. And she mentioned in interviews that die essentially served hair she did not work, so she would do that when she wanted a break.

15. Maisonie and his boyfriend really had a brand new level with their style when they attended fashion week. The corresponding outfits and makeup seemed so originating and cool.

16. Over the years, we really saw the gaunt and mature maize and transform. She became more confident at the same time in her opinions and her sense of fashion and style and we look forward to seeing what she has from the sleeve else.

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