Couple Dress The pet turtle named Ethel, panic internet
Some people dress their dogs or cats for social media to prove. Other people dress ... their turtles, apparently.

Some people dress their dogs or cats for social media to prove. Other people dress ... their turtles, apparently. This is the first time we saw a dressed turtle trail, and thebeautiful ethil VA viral on Instagram because of her pretty looks. Most people show support, but some have decided that because Etthel can not speak, it should not be placed in these outfits. Here are some photographic evidence that Ethel lives his best life and is very concerned about his parents.
1. The whole family wore Rose La Valentine's Day and Ethel decided to eat Rose too, snacking a delicious flower. We prefer to put our roses in the water, but to each their own. The pink arc is too cute and its dress is beautiful too.

2. We all need a spa day once in a while - even creatures with seashells need a day off. Here Ethel corresponding to his mother with an adorable turban towel. While mom and dad put cucumbers on their eyes, Ethel decided that hers are much more useful in his little noisy mouth.

3. Welcome to Ethel Yoga Day. Everyone carries matching body shirts, but Ethel has extra sweet knots around his shoulders to prevent this fabric from his face. This pose is called a turtle at an edge, obviously.

4. This miniature greenery was created just for Ethel, so that it can facilitate his parents. They also wear matching sweaters, of course. Ethel was not happy with the fact that there were no edible accessories for this holiday photoshoot.

5. Thanksgiving is for gratitude and Ethel definitely gives thanks to his pumpkin and his sweet peppers in these holidays. It is dressed comfortably for holidays, as we should all - more room for this baby food!

6. In this beach station of the beach, the parents of Ethel decided to clear the air and say that they treat Ethel with the greatest respect (it is their "sun and moon") and They would never hurt the little cute bordered pie. Ethel loves the beach because everyone asks his autograph.

7. We saw Ethel in his mini beanie, but here she actually a cap of human size that is dreamy for her shell. The Pom Pom Pom is a reminder of its feminine side, obviously.

8. This appearance of Halloween is everything. Dad is the baker, Mom's Cupcake and Ethel is the cherry on the top! She is really, with this smile. Swipe To see Ethel's favorite Halloween candies - a high pumpkin!

9. Talking about pumpkins ... The family visited Stanley Lane's pump patch, and everyone wore his best pair of combinations, including Ethel. Ethel made many new friends at the patch, with a group of children who even forming a tunnel to climb her.

10. Gingham is the name of the game for this exit from the farm, what Ethel could not obviously disappear from. His little necklace is so precious about this personalized outfit, slide to see his father walking very slowly for Ethel, who had a lot of snacks cultivated locally on their adventure.

11. That day, everyone had a real match match for a trip to a dixon sunflower field, California. Ethel likes to eat flowers, so we are sure she had an explosion. It's one of his looks more glamorous.

12. You may think that the corresponding factor is a little too beautiful here - it's because the old Navy had a short baby and a woman's shirt. Maybe not the audience planned for this coordination, but we prefer it.

13. Here they are in motion day - Ethel is ready to go down and dirty in his white tee-shirt and his jeans, but above all, she just watched mom and dad moving her boxes of bass things. She is the queen of this household and everyone should know. First moving priority? The Ethel Garden, of course.

14. We had to finish with one of his arches on #ThelsfamilyPhotofriday, because it simply looks like the prettiest little princess every time she wears one. Fun Fun: His owners actually do a lot of his outfits (like this), but some of the other looks are modified baby clothes.