Embroidery that gives a second life to vintage photos
Han Cao is an autodidact artist who lives in Palm Springs for the moment. It creates its art embroidered on the right on vintage photographs and thus giving them a new life and improve them in a way.

If you have a taste for millitious things like old photographs and embroidery - this artist manages to mingle with these two things in his art in a very unique and beautiful way.Han Cao is an autodidact artist who lives in Palm Springs for the moment. It creates its art embroidered on the right on vintage photographs and thus giving them a new life and improve them in a way.

It's actually enough interest how Han has been inspired to create this type of art. She likes to play ancient benefits and markets and she often see these differences and postcards at the bottom of the boxes and realized nobody would ever see it. It seemed sad that all these souls could have lived beautiful Livesthats that we would never know, then she decided to make her goal of making the restoration of a novelty for them.

It takes a moment for Hanto Choose a particular photo or postcard to work. She liked to analyze the performances on the market before buying them. She usually looking for people and places that have more than one story to tell or with pieces that have a beautiful color composition that is fun to play with.

Most of the time squatting his pictures and postcards of flea markets, but sometimes people will enjoy his beautiful pieces of vintage. Her Growth Instagram account probably plays too, now that people know what she can do and how she can transformphotos, they can send his photos and postcards they think they die the second life as a room of art.

His supporters are often interviewed if she directly kisses original photos or does she make acopia. Han prefers embroider on the original photos because it makes the cutes more unique, as it never comes multiple copies of the Samephotograph. She, however, scans the originals for herself to have as a respect.

Embroider on photos and postcards is not easy, it can certainly be sufficiently brutal on one'Sfingers, and Han mentioned that hers are now more qualified than it before taking this leisure, but the result the renders the sentence.

However, embroidery seems a strange choice. Why not just paint? Well, according to Han, there is just something so satisfying embroidery. She likes it gives a great ability to do a lot with a simple needle and a thread. The process is incredibly slow, so that it strengthens itself more present and thoughtful and that can be nice enough in the modern world too.

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